

Title : Metabolic response to tacrine (THA) and physostigmine in the aged rat brain - Bassant_1995_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_15_1093
Author(s) : Bassant MH , Jazat-Poindessous F , Lamour Y
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 15 :1093 , 1995
Abstract :

The effects of the centrally acting anti-cholinesterases tacrine (tetrahydroaminoacridine, THA) and physostigmine (PHY), on local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) have been studied in 27-month-old rats, using the autoradiographic [14C]deoxyglucose technique. THA (10 mg/kg i.p.) increased LCGU significantly in 13 of the 54 regions studied (24%) including insular, parietal, temporal, and retrosplenial cortices, septohippocampal system, thalamus, lateral habenula, and superior colliculus. In these regions, the average THA-induced increase in LCGU was 24% above control. The whole brain mean LCGU was not significantly increased. PHY (0.5 mg/kg) increased LCGU in 18% of the regions (average elevation, 23%). The whole brain mean LCGU increased by 7% (p < 0.05). The regional distributions of THA- and PHY-induced increases in LCGU were extremely similar and overlapped the distribution of the M2 muscarinic receptors and that of acetylcholinesterase activity, suggesting that the major effects of THA and PHY on LCGU result from their anticholinesterase action. As compared to those of 3-month-old rats, both the number of regions affected and the amplitude of the metabolic activation were significantly less in aged rats. However, the drugs were still active in old rats and compensated for the age-related hypometabolism in some brain areas.

PubMedSearch : Bassant_1995_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_15_1093
PubMedID: 7593342

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Bassant MH, Jazat-Poindessous F, Lamour Y (1995)
Metabolic response to tacrine (THA) and physostigmine in the aged rat brain
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 15 :1093

Bassant MH, Jazat-Poindessous F, Lamour Y (1995)
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 15 :1093