Bassant MH


Full name : Bassant Marie-Helene

First name : Marie-Helene

Mail : INSERM U1612, rue d'Alesia, 75014 Paris

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Country : France

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Phone : 33 I 4078 93 64

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References (10)

Title : Donepezil restores GH secretion in old rats without affecting the sleep\/wake cycle - Zizzari_2006_Neurobiol.Aging_27_784 e1
Author(s) : Zizzari P , Bassant MH , Poindessous-Jazat F , Epelbaum J , Bluet-Pajot MT
Ref : Neurobiology of Aging , 27 :784 e1 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zizzari_2006_Neurobiol.Aging_27_784 e1
PubMedID: 16199109

Title : Sustained effect of metrifonate on cerebral glucose metabolism after immunolesion of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in rats - Bassant_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_387_151
Author(s) : Bassant MH , Poindessous-Jazat F , Schmidt BH
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 387 :151 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bassant_2000_Eur.J.Pharmacol_387_151
PubMedID: 10650155

Title : Effect of subchronic metrifonate treatment on cerebral glucose metabolism in young and aged rats - Poindessous-Jazat_1998_Eur.J.Pharmacol_363_17
Author(s) : Poindessous-Jazat F , Schmidt BH , Bassant MH
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 363 :17 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Poindessous-Jazat_1998_Eur.J.Pharmacol_363_17
PubMedID: 9877077

Title : Rhythmically bursting activity in rat medial septum after selective lesion of the cholinergic medial septal neurons and during aging -
Author(s) : Apartis E , Poindessous-Jazat FR , Bassant MH
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :403 , 1998

Title : Loss of Rhythmically Bursting Neurons in Rat Medial Septum Following Selective Lesion of Septohippocampal Cholinergic System - Apartis_1998_J.Neurophysiol_79_1633
Author(s) : Apartis E , Poindessous-Jazat FR , Lamour YA , Bassant MH
Ref : Journal of Neurophysiology , 79 :1633 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Apartis_1998_J.Neurophysiol_79_1633
PubMedID: 9535934

Title : Effects of metrifonate, a cholinesterase inhibitor, on local cerebral glucose utilization in young and aged rats - Bassant_1996_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_16_1014
Author(s) : Bassant MH , Jazat-Poindessous F , Lamour Y
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 16 :1014 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bassant_1996_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_16_1014
PubMedID: 8784247

Title : Metabolic response to tacrine (THA) and physostigmine in the aged rat brain - Bassant_1995_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_15_1093
Author(s) : Bassant MH , Jazat-Poindessous F , Lamour Y
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 15 :1093 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bassant_1995_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_15_1093
PubMedID: 7593342

Title : Sustained cortical metabolic responsivity to physostigmine after nucleus basalis magnocellularis ablation in rats - De Micheli_1993_Brain.Res_615_80
Author(s) : De Micheli E , Lamour Y , Bassant MH , Soncrant TT
Ref : Brain Research , 615 :80 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : De Micheli_1993_Brain.Res_615_80
PubMedID: 8364728

Title : Tetrahydroaminoacridine and physostigmine increase cerebral glucose utilization in specific cortical and subcortical regions in the rat - Bassant_1993_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_13_855
Author(s) : Bassant MH , Jazat F , Lamour Y
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 13 :855 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bassant_1993_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_13_855
PubMedID: 8360291

Title : Effects of tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine on cortical and hippocampal neurons in the rat: an in vivo and in vitro study - Dutar_1990_Brain.Res_527_32
Author(s) : Dutar P , Bassant MH , Lamour Y
Ref : Brain Research , 527 :32 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dutar_1990_Brain.Res_527_32
PubMedID: 2282482