

Title : A prokaryotic proton-gated ion channel from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family - Bocquet_2007_Nature_445_116
Author(s) : Bocquet N , Prado de Carvalho L , Cartaud J , Neyton J , Le Poupon C , Taly A , Grutter T , Changeux JP , Corringer PJ
Ref : Nature , 445 :116 , 2007
Abstract :

Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) mediate excitatory and inhibitory transmission in the nervous system. Among them, the pentameric or 'Cys-loop' receptors (pLGICs) compose a family that until recently was found in only eukaryotes. Yet a recent genome search identified putative homologues of these proteins in several bacterial species. Here we report the cloning, expression and functional identification of one of these putative homologues from the cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus. It was expressed as a homo-oligomer in HEK 293 cells and Xenopus oocytes, generating a transmembrane cationic channel that is opened by extracellular protons and shows slow kinetics of activation, no desensitization and a single channel conductance of 8 pS. Electron microscopy and cross-linking experiments of the protein fused to the maltose-binding protein and expressed in Escherichia coli are consistent with a homo-pentameric organization. Sequence comparison shows that it possesses a compact structure, with the absence of the amino-terminal helix, the canonical disulphide bridge and the large cytoplasmic domain found in eukaryotic pLGICs. Therefore it embodies a minimal structure required for signal transduction. These data establish the prokaryotic origin of the family. Because Gloeobacter violaceus carries out photosynthesis and proton transport at the cytoplasmic membrane, this new proton-gated ion channel might contribute to adaptation to pH change.

PubMedSearch : Bocquet_2007_Nature_445_116
PubMedID: 17167423

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Bocquet N, Prado de Carvalho L, Cartaud J, Neyton J, Le Poupon C, Taly A, Grutter T, Changeux JP, Corringer PJ (2007)
A prokaryotic proton-gated ion channel from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family
Nature 445 :116

Bocquet N, Prado de Carvalho L, Cartaud J, Neyton J, Le Poupon C, Taly A, Grutter T, Changeux JP, Corringer PJ (2007)
Nature 445 :116