

Title : Neurons of the chick brain and retina expressing both alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive and alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: an immunohistochemical analysis - Britto_1992_Brain.Res_590_193
Author(s) : Britto LR , Hamassaki-Britto DE , Ferro ES , Keyser KT , Karten HJ , Lindstrom JM
Ref : Brain Research , 590 :193 , 1992
Abstract :

Immunohistochemical methods were used to study the possible co-localization of two alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive (alpha 7 and alpha 8) and two alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive (beta 2 and alpha 3) subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in neurons of the chick brain and retina. Several structures contained neurons that were doubly-labeled with antibodies against the alpha 7 subunit and the beta 2 subunit. These structures included, for example, the interpeduncular nucleus, nucleus spiriformis lateralis, optic tectum, pretectal visual nuclei, and the lateral hypothalamus. Double-labeling with antibodies against the alpha 7 and alpha 8 subunits was also seen in several regions, which included the interpeduncular nucleus, visual pretectum, lateral hypothalamus, dorsal thalamus, and the habenular complex. In the retina, many cells in the inner nuclear layer were observed to contain alpha 8 and alpha 3 subunits, whereas neurons in the ganglion cell layer were seen to contain alpha 7 and alpha 8 or, less frequently, alpha 7 and alpha 3 subunits. These results indicate that alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive and alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive subunits of the nicotinic receptors are co-expressed by neurons of the chick brain and retina.

PubMedSearch : Britto_1992_Brain.Res_590_193
PubMedID: 1422831

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Britto LR, Hamassaki-Britto DE, Ferro ES, Keyser KT, Karten HJ, Lindstrom JM (1992)
Neurons of the chick brain and retina expressing both alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive and alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: an immunohistochemical analysis
Brain Research 590 :193

Britto LR, Hamassaki-Britto DE, Ferro ES, Keyser KT, Karten HJ, Lindstrom JM (1992)
Brain Research 590 :193