

Title : Synapse formation: if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - Cantallops_2000_Curr.Biol_10_R620
Author(s) : Cantallops I , Cline HT
Ref : Current Biology , 10 :R620 , 2000
Abstract :

Neuroligin and neurexin form an intercellular adhesion complex sufficient to trigger formation of functional presynaptic elements in vitro. This single molecular interaction appears to initiate clustering of synaptic vesicles, assembly of vesicle-release machinery and morphological changes at the presynaptic membrane.

PubMedSearch : Cantallops_2000_Curr.Biol_10_R620
PubMedID: 10996085

Related information

Family Neuroligin

Citations formats

Cantallops I, Cline HT (2000)
Synapse formation: if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck
Current Biology 10 :R620

Cantallops I, Cline HT (2000)
Current Biology 10 :R620