

Title : Peripheral and dual binding site acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: implications in treatment of Alzheimer's disease - Castro_2001_Mini.Rev.Med.Chem_1_267
Author(s) : Castro A , Martinez A
Ref : Mini Rev Med Chem , 1 :267 , 2001
Abstract :

Recently advances in understanding the molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease have led to the consideration of the relationship between cholinergic inhibitors and amyloid deposition as a new hypothesis for the future rational design of effective anti-Alzheimer drugs. In the present review, the non-cholinergic functions of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the therapeutic potential of peripheral and dual binding site AChE inhibitors in delaying the neurodegenerative process will be discussed.

PubMedSearch : Castro_2001_Mini.Rev.Med.Chem_1_267
PubMedID: 12369973

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Castro A, Martinez A (2001)
Peripheral and dual binding site acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: implications in treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Mini Rev Med Chem 1 :267

Castro A, Martinez A (2001)
Mini Rev Med Chem 1 :267