

Title : Phase I metabolism of ganstigmine. Rat, dog, monkey and human liver microsomal extracts investigated by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry - Catinella_2001_J.Mass.Spectrom_36_1287
Author(s) : Catinella S , Pelizzi N , Puccini P , Marchetti S , Zanol M , Acerbi D , Ventura P
Ref : J Mass Spectrom , 36 :1287 , 2001
Abstract :

Ganstigmine, a new acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, was incubated with rat liver microsomes and the resulting metabolites were identified by high-performance liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric (HPLC/MS) and HPLC/MS/MS analyses. The results showed the formation of eight main metabolites, among which geneseroline and molecules corresponding to mono-hydroxylated, demethylated and reduced ganstigmine. The metabolic profile drawn for humans, dog and monkey showed a pattern very similar to that of rat: only in the case of liver dog microsomes higher amounts of geneseroline and of a metabolite identified as demethylated and reduced drug were detected.

PubMedSearch : Catinella_2001_J.Mass.Spectrom_36_1287
PubMedID: 11754120

Related information

Inhibitor Ganstigmine    Geneseroline

Citations formats

Catinella S, Pelizzi N, Puccini P, Marchetti S, Zanol M, Acerbi D, Ventura P (2001)
Phase I metabolism of ganstigmine. Rat, dog, monkey and human liver microsomal extracts investigated by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
J Mass Spectrom 36 :1287

Catinella S, Pelizzi N, Puccini P, Marchetti S, Zanol M, Acerbi D, Ventura P (2001)
J Mass Spectrom 36 :1287