

Title : A novel homozygous NDRG1 mutation in a Chinese patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 4D - Chen_2018_J.Clin.Neurosci_53_231
Author(s) : Chen B , Niu S , Chen N , Pan H , Wang X , Zhang Z
Ref : J Clin Neurosci , 53 :231 , 2018
Abstract :

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 4D (CMT4D) is characterized by severe peripheral neuropathy and deafness. It is caused by mutations in the N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1). We report a Chinese man with a homozygous mutation c.675C > T of NDRG1 that resulted in Q185X, representing the third known CMT4D patient of non-European ancestry. The patient presented with a 15-year-long history of progressive limb weakness accompanied by hearing loss and dysarthria. There was abnormal differentiation and increased interpeak latencies in brainstem auditory evoked potentials. Compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) of the peripheral nerves were not elicited in distal segments, while prolonged distal latencies and decreased CMAP were present in proximal nerves. A mild enlargement of the lateral ventricles showed in brain magnetic resonance imaging studies. Q185X of NDRG1 is a novel mutation with CMT4D, which are demonstrated in Asian population. Q185X of the NDRG1 expands the clinical and mutational spectrum of CMT4D.

PubMedSearch : Chen_2018_J.Clin.Neurosci_53_231
PubMedID: 29724652
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NDRG1

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Mutation Q185X_human-NDRG1
Gene_locus human-NDRG1

Citations formats

Chen B, Niu S, Chen N, Pan H, Wang X, Zhang Z (2018)
A novel homozygous NDRG1 mutation in a Chinese patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 4D
J Clin Neurosci 53 :231

Chen B, Niu S, Chen N, Pan H, Wang X, Zhang Z (2018)
J Clin Neurosci 53 :231