

Title : Despite structural identity, ace-1 heterogenous duplication resistance alleles are quite diverse in Anopheles mosquitoes - Claret_2024_Heredity.(Edinb)__
Author(s) : Claret JL , Di-Liegro M , Namias A , Assogba B , Makoundou P , Koffi A , Pennetier C , Weill M , Milesi P , Labbe P
Ref : Heredity (Edinb) , : , 2024
Abstract :

Anopheles gambiae s.l. has been the target of intense insecticide treatment since the mid-20th century to try and control malaria. A substitution in the ace-1 locus has been rapidly selected for, allowing resistance to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. Since then, two types of duplication of the ace-1 locus have been found in An. gambiae s.l. populations: homogeneous duplications that are composed of several resistance copies, or heterogeneous duplications that contain both resistance and susceptible copies. The substitution induces a trade-off between resistance in the presence of insecticides and disadvantages in their absence: the heterogeneous duplications allow the fixation of the intermediate heterozygote phenotype. So far, a single heterogeneous duplication has been described in An. gambiae s.l. populations (in contrast with the multiple duplicated alleles found in Culex pipiens mosquitoes). We used a new approach, combining long and short-read sequencing with Sanger sequencing to precisely identify and describe at least nine different heterogeneous duplications, in two populations of An. gambiae s.l. We show that these alleles share the same structure as the previously identified heterogeneous and homogeneous duplications, namely 203-kb tandem amplifications with conserved breakpoints. Our study sheds new light on the origin and maintenance of these alleles in An. gambiae s.l. populations, and their role in mosquito adaptation.

PubMedSearch : Claret_2024_Heredity.(Edinb)__
PubMedID: 38280976

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Claret JL, Di-Liegro M, Namias A, Assogba B, Makoundou P, Koffi A, Pennetier C, Weill M, Milesi P, Labbe P (2024)
Despite structural identity, ace-1 heterogenous duplication resistance alleles are quite diverse in Anopheles mosquitoes
Heredity (Edinb) :

Claret JL, Di-Liegro M, Namias A, Assogba B, Makoundou P, Koffi A, Pennetier C, Weill M, Milesi P, Labbe P (2024)
Heredity (Edinb) :