

Title : Acetylcholine receptors in the ciliary ganglion and in the iris muscle of the chick: specific binding and effect on the synaptic transmission of the neurotoxin from Naja naja siamensis - Conti-Tronconi_1979_Br.J.Pharmacol_66_33
Author(s) : Conti-Tronconi B , Gotti C , Paggi P , Rossi A
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 66 :33 , 1979
Abstract :

1 A specific binding of Naja naja siamensis neurotoxin was found both in the iris and in the ciliary ganglion of the chick. 2 Naja-toxin (125 nM) caused a complete block of the iris muscle contraction induced by carbamylcholine. 3 Naja-toxin had a different effect on the two neuronal populations present in the ganglion: it blocked the synaptically evoked response of the ciliary cells, while the response of the choroid ones was only slightly reduced. The effects were the same in a wide range of concentrations (125 to 2500 nM). 4 The results obtained in the iris show the existence of an acetylcholine receptor population similar to the nicotinic receptor of the skeletal muscle. 5 In the ciliary ganglion the results confirm the existence of different acetylcholine receptors on the two cell types.

PubMedSearch : Conti-Tronconi_1979_Br.J.Pharmacol_66_33
PubMedID: 222384

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Conti-Tronconi B, Gotti C, Paggi P, Rossi A (1979)
Acetylcholine receptors in the ciliary ganglion and in the iris muscle of the chick: specific binding and effect on the synaptic transmission of the neurotoxin from Naja naja siamensis
British Journal of Pharmacology 66 :33

Conti-Tronconi B, Gotti C, Paggi P, Rossi A (1979)
British Journal of Pharmacology 66 :33