

Title : Action of Esterase B1 on Chlorpyrifos in Organophosphate-Resistant Culex Mosquitos - Cuany_1993_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_45_1
Author(s) : Cuany A , Handani J , Berge J , Fournier D , Raymond M , Georghiou GP , Pasteur N
Ref : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 45 :1 , 1993
Abstract :

Esterase B1 activity in Culex pipiens mosquitoes was strongly inhibited by oxidized organophosphates (OP), but not by nonoxidized forms or by carbamates. Inhibition by chlorpyrifos oxon and paraoxon remained total during the 2 hr following the removal of free insecticide molecules, indicating that hydrolysis by esterase B1 is either very slow or absent. This hypothesis was confirmed by comparing the fate of [14C]chlorpyrifos in larvae of strains TEM-R (with the over-produced esterase B1) and MSE (lacking an overproduced esterase). As expected, large quantities of chlorpyrifos oxon were observed in the two strains, but no other metabolite was found in TEM-R. It is concluded that esterase B1 confers resistance at least to diethyl OPs through sequestering rather than metabolism, as is also the case with the overproduced esterase E4 of Myzus persicae.

PubMedSearch : Cuany_1993_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_45_1

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Cuany A, Handani J, Berge J, Fournier D, Raymond M, Georghiou GP, Pasteur N (1993)
Action of Esterase B1 on Chlorpyrifos in Organophosphate-Resistant Culex Mosquitos
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 45 :1

Cuany A, Handani J, Berge J, Fournier D, Raymond M, Georghiou GP, Pasteur N (1993)
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 45 :1