

Title : Investigating the mode of action of sulfoxaflor: a fourth-generation neonicotinoid - Cutler_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_607
Author(s) : Cutler P , Slater R , Edmunds AJ , Maienfisch P , Hall RG , Earley FG , Pitterna T , Pal S , Paul VL , Goodchild J , Blacker M , Hagmann L , Crossthwaite AJ
Ref : Pest Manag Sci , 69 :607 , 2013
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: The precise mode of action of sulfoxaflor, a new nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-modulating insecticide, is unclear. A detailed understanding of the mode of action, especially in relation to the neonicotinoids, is essential for recommending effective pest management practices.
RESULTS: Radiolabel binding experiments using a tritiated analogue of sulfoxaflor ([(3) H]-methyl-SFX) performed on membranes from Myzus persicae demonstrate that sulfoxaflor interacts specifically with the high-affinity imidacloprid binding site present in a subpopulation of the total nAChR pool. In competition studies, imidacloprid-like neonicotinoids displace [(3) H]-methyl-SFX at pM concentrations. The effects of sulfoxaflor on the exposed aphid nervous system in situ are analogous to those of imidacloprid and nitenpyram, and finally the high-affinity sulfoxaflor binding site is absent in a Myzus persicae strain (clone FRC) possessing a single amino acid point mutation (R81T) in the beta-nAChR, a region critical for neonicotinoid interaction. CONCLUSION: The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor pharmacological profile of sulfoxaflor in aphids is consistent with that of imidacloprid. Additionally, the insecticidal activity of sulfoxaflor and the current commercialised neonicotinoids is affected by the point mutation in FRC Myzus persicae. Therefore, it is suggested that sulfoxalfor be considered a neonicotinoid, and that this be taken into account when recommending insecticide rotation partnering for effective resistance management programmes.

PubMedSearch : Cutler_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_607
PubMedID: 23112103

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Cutler P, Slater R, Edmunds AJ, Maienfisch P, Hall RG, Earley FG, Pitterna T, Pal S, Paul VL, Goodchild J, Blacker M, Hagmann L, Crossthwaite AJ (2013)
Investigating the mode of action of sulfoxaflor: a fourth-generation neonicotinoid
Pest Manag Sci 69 :607

Cutler P, Slater R, Edmunds AJ, Maienfisch P, Hall RG, Earley FG, Pitterna T, Pal S, Paul VL, Goodchild J, Blacker M, Hagmann L, Crossthwaite AJ (2013)
Pest Manag Sci 69 :607