Title : Investigating the mode of action of sulfoxaflor: a fourth-generation neonicotinoid - Cutler_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_607 |
Author(s) : Cutler P , Slater R , Edmunds AJ , Maienfisch P , Hall RG , Earley FG , Pitterna T , Pal S , Paul VL , Goodchild J , Blacker M , Hagmann L , Crossthwaite AJ |
Ref : Pest Manag Sci , 69 :607 , 2013 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: The precise mode of action of sulfoxaflor, a new nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-modulating insecticide, is unclear. A detailed understanding of the mode of action, especially in relation to the neonicotinoids, is essential for recommending effective pest management practices. |
PubMedSearch : Cutler_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_607 |
PubMedID: 23112103 |
Cutler P, Slater R, Edmunds AJ, Maienfisch P, Hall RG, Earley FG, Pitterna T, Pal S, Paul VL, Goodchild J, Blacker M, Hagmann L, Crossthwaite AJ (2013)
Investigating the mode of action of sulfoxaflor: a fourth-generation neonicotinoid
Pest Manag Sci
69 :607
Cutler P, Slater R, Edmunds AJ, Maienfisch P, Hall RG, Earley FG, Pitterna T, Pal S, Paul VL, Goodchild J, Blacker M, Hagmann L, Crossthwaite AJ (2013)
Pest Manag Sci
69 :607