

Title : Micro RNA-124a regulates lipolysis via adipose triglyceride lipase and comparative gene identification 58 - Das_2015_Int.J.Mol.Sci_16_8555
Author(s) : Das SK , Stadelmeyer E , Schauer S , Schwarz A , Strohmaier H , Claudel T , Zechner R , Hoefler G , Vesely PW
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 16 :8555 , 2015
Abstract :

Lipolysis is the biochemical pathway responsible for the catabolism of cellular triacylglycerol (TG). Lipolytic TG breakdown is a central metabolic process leading to the generation of free fatty acids (FA) and glycerol, thereby regulating lipid, as well as energy homeostasis. The precise tuning of lipolysis is imperative to prevent lipotoxicity, obesity, diabetes and other related metabolic disorders. Here, we present our finding that miR-124a attenuates RNA and protein expression of the major TG hydrolase, adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL/PNPLA2) and its co-activator comparative gene identification 58 (CGI-58/ABHD5). Ectopic expression of miR-124a in adipocytes leads to reduced lipolysis and increased cellular TG accumulation. This phenotype, however, can be rescued by overexpression of truncated Atgl lacking its 3'UTR, which harbors the identified miR-124a target site. In addition, we observe a strong negative correlation between miR-124a and Atgl expression in various murine tissues. Moreover, miR-124a regulates the expression of Atgl and Cgi-58 in murine white adipose tissue during fasting as well as the expression of Atgl in murine liver, during fasting and re-feeding. Together, these results point to an instrumental role of miR-124a in the regulation of TG catabolism. Therefore, we suggest that miR-124a may be involved in the regulation of several cellular and organismal metabolic parameters, including lipid storage and plasma FA concentration.

PubMedSearch : Das_2015_Int.J.Mol.Sci_16_8555
PubMedID: 25894224

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Das SK, Stadelmeyer E, Schauer S, Schwarz A, Strohmaier H, Claudel T, Zechner R, Hoefler G, Vesely PW (2015)
Micro RNA-124a regulates lipolysis via adipose triglyceride lipase and comparative gene identification 58
Int J Mol Sci 16 :8555

Das SK, Stadelmeyer E, Schauer S, Schwarz A, Strohmaier H, Claudel T, Zechner R, Hoefler G, Vesely PW (2015)
Int J Mol Sci 16 :8555