Delorme_2014_Biochimie_107 Pt A_124


Title : Supported inhibitor for fishing lipases in complex biological media and mass spectrometry identification - Delorme_2014_Biochimie_107 Pt A_124
Author(s) : Delorme V , Raux B , Puppo R , Leclaire J , Cavalier JF , Marc S , Kamarajugadda PK , Buono G , Fotiadu F , Canaan S , Carriere F
Ref : Biochimie , 107 Pt A :124 , 2014
Abstract :

A synthetic phosphonate inhibitor designed for lipase inhibition but displaying a broader range of activity was covalently immobilized on a solid support to generate a function-directed tool targeting serine hydrolases. To achieve this goal, straightforward and reliable analytical techniques were developed, allowing the monitoring of the solid support's chemical functionalization, enzyme capture processes and physisorption artifacts. This grafted inhibitor was tested on pure lipases and serine proteases from various origins, and assayed for the selective capture of lipases from several complex biological extracts. The direct identification of captured enzymes by mass spectrometry brought the proof of concept on the efficiency of this supported covalent inhibitor. The features and limitations of this "enzyme-fishing" proteomic tool provide new insight on solid-liquid inhibition process.

PubMedSearch : Delorme_2014_Biochimie_107 Pt A_124
PubMedID: 25064360

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Delorme V, Raux B, Puppo R, Leclaire J, Cavalier JF, Marc S, Kamarajugadda PK, Buono G, Fotiadu F, Canaan S, Carriere F (2014)
Supported inhibitor for fishing lipases in complex biological media and mass spectrometry identification
Biochimie 107 Pt A :124

Delorme V, Raux B, Puppo R, Leclaire J, Cavalier JF, Marc S, Kamarajugadda PK, Buono G, Fotiadu F, Canaan S, Carriere F (2014)
Biochimie 107 Pt A :124