

Title : [The clinical pharmacology of mivacurium] - Diefenbach_1997_Anaesthesist_46_385
Author(s) : Diefenbach C , Mellinghoff H
Ref : Anaesthesist , 46 :385 , 1997
Abstract :

Mivacurium is a short-acting, nondepolarising muscle relaxant of the benzylisoquinoline type that undergoes rapid breakdown by plasma cholinesterase. After 2.5 times the ED95 (0.2 mg/kg), tracheal intubation can be accomplished within 2-3 min following injection. The ensuing DUR 25% (i.e., time from injection to 25% recovery of control twitch tension) is three times as long as with succinylcholine. The principal side effects of mivacurium are facial flushing and a transient fall in blood pressure due to moderate histamine release following doses 3-4 times the ED95. In patients with end-stage liver or renal disease as well as those with atypical plasma cholinesterase, the duration of action of mivacurium is prolonged.

PubMedSearch : Diefenbach_1997_Anaesthesist_46_385
PubMedID: 9245207

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Citations formats

Diefenbach C, Mellinghoff H (1997)
[The clinical pharmacology of mivacurium]
Anaesthesist 46 :385

Diefenbach C, Mellinghoff H (1997)
Anaesthesist 46 :385