

Title : Targeting reward-relevant nicotinic receptors in the discovery of novel pharmacotherapeutic agents to treat tobacco dependence -
Author(s) : Dwoskin LP , Pivavarchyk M , Joyce BM , Neugebauer NM , Zheng G , Zhang Z , Bardo MT , Crooks PA
Ref : Nebr Symp Motiv , 55 :31 , 2009
PubMedID: 19013938

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Dwoskin LP, Pivavarchyk M, Joyce BM, Neugebauer NM, Zheng G, Zhang Z, Bardo MT, Crooks PA (2009)
Targeting reward-relevant nicotinic receptors in the discovery of novel pharmacotherapeutic agents to treat tobacco dependence
Nebr Symp Motiv 55 :31

Dwoskin LP, Pivavarchyk M, Joyce BM, Neugebauer NM, Zheng G, Zhang Z, Bardo MT, Crooks PA (2009)
Nebr Symp Motiv 55 :31