

Title : A novel thienylhydrazone, (2-thienylidene)3,4-methylenedioxybenzoylhydrazine, increases inotropism and decreases fatigue of skeletal muscle - Gonzalez-Serratos_2001_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_299_558
Author(s) : Gonzalez-Serratos H , Chang R , Pereira EF , Castro NG , Aracava Y , Melo PA , Lima PC , Fraga CA , Barreiro EJ , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 299 :558 , 2001
Abstract :

This study was designed to investigate the effects on single skeletal muscle fibers of a novel thienylhydrazone, referred to as LASSBio-294, which is a bioisoster of pyridazinone compounds that inhibit the cyclic AMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4. Twitch and fatigue were analyzed in single skeletal muscle fibers isolated from either the semitendinous or the tibialis anterior muscles dissected from the frog Rana pipiens. LASSBio-294 (12.5-100 microM) increased twitch tension, accelerated the maximal rate of tension decay during relaxation, and had very little effect in the maximal rate of tension development of muscle fibers directly stimulated at < or =30 Hz. The positive inotropic effect of LASSBio-294 developed slowly, reaching its maximum at 40 min and was inversely proportional to the frequency of stimulation, becoming negligible at 60 and 90 Hz. The concentration-response relationship for LASSBio-294-induced potentiation of twitch tension was bell-shaped, with maximal effect occurring at 25 microM. In addition, LASSBio-294 reduced development of fatigue induced by tetanic stimulation of the muscle fibers and reduced the time needed for 80% prefatigue tension recovery after fatigue had developed to 50% of the maximal pretetanic force. These effects of LASSBio-294 can be fully explained by stimulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump and could be ascribed to an increase in cellular levels of cyclic AMP due to PDE inhibition. The novel thienylhydrazone LASSBio-294 may be useful for treatment of patients suffering from conditions in which muscle fatigue is a debilitating symptom (e.g., chronic heart failure).

PubMedSearch : Gonzalez-Serratos_2001_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_299_558
PubMedID: 11602667

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Gonzalez-Serratos H, Chang R, Pereira EF, Castro NG, Aracava Y, Melo PA, Lima PC, Fraga CA, Barreiro EJ, Albuquerque EX (2001)
A novel thienylhydrazone, (2-thienylidene)3,4-methylenedioxybenzoylhydrazine, increases inotropism and decreases fatigue of skeletal muscle
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics 299 :558

Gonzalez-Serratos H, Chang R, Pereira EF, Castro NG, Aracava Y, Melo PA, Lima PC, Fraga CA, Barreiro EJ, Albuquerque EX (2001)
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics 299 :558