

Title : Directed enzyme evolution via small and effective neutral drift libraries - Gupta_2008_Nat.Methods_5_939
Author(s) : Gupta RD , Tawfik DS
Ref : Nat Methods , 5 :939 , 2008
Abstract :

Small libraries for directed evolution can be obtained by neutral drifts that maintain the protein's original function, yielding highly polymorphic, stable and evolvable variants. We describe methods for preparing such libraries, using serum paraoxonase (PON1). An optimized GFP variant fused to PON1 reported levels of soluble, functional enzyme, enabling selection by flow cytometry and identification of enzyme variants exhibiting improved specific and total activities toward several substrates, including toxic organophosphates.

PubMedSearch : Gupta_2008_Nat.Methods_5_939
PubMedID: 18931667

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Citations formats

Gupta RD, Tawfik DS (2008)
Directed enzyme evolution via small and effective neutral drift libraries
Nat Methods 5 :939

Gupta RD, Tawfik DS (2008)
Nat Methods 5 :939