

Title : Pyrene exposure influences the thyroid development of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos - He_2012_Aquat.Toxicol_124-125_28
Author(s) : He C , Zuo Z , Shi X , Sun L , Wang C
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 124-125 :28 , 2012
Abstract :

Thyroid hormones play crucial roles in regulating development, morphogenesis, growth, and behavior in fishes. Some environmental pollutants have adverse effects on either development or function of the thyroid gland in fish. However, there are few reports on the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on fish thyroid. In the present study, rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) embryos were exposed to pyrene (Py) for 5 days at the concentrations of 0.5, 5, and 50 nmol/L. The results showed that Py exposure decreased the expression of thyroid primordium markers, Pax2.1 and Nk2.1a as detected by quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization, and reduced the concentration of T(3), but not T(4). Thyroid receptor genes (TRalpha and TRbeta) expression was down-regulated by Py. At the same time, Py exposure impaired the expression of thyroid development related genes, Fgfr2 and Hoxa3a expression, and altered the mRNA levels of thyroid function related genes, Deio1, Ttr, and Tg. In conclusion, the results demonstrated Py exposure inhibited thyroid development and influenced the function of thyroid system in rockfish embryos.

PubMedSearch : He_2012_Aquat.Toxicol_124-125_28
PubMedID: 22885797

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Gene_locus_frgt 9perc-j7hbe9

Citations formats

He C, Zuo Z, Shi X, Sun L, Wang C (2012)
Pyrene exposure influences the thyroid development of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos
Aquat Toxicol 124-125 :28

He C, Zuo Z, Shi X, Sun L, Wang C (2012)
Aquat Toxicol 124-125 :28