

Title : Growth hormone normalizes hepatic lipase in hypothyroid rat liver - Hoogerbrugge_1993_Metabolism_42_669
Author(s) : Hoogerbrugge N , Jansen H , Staels B , Seip MJ , Birkenhager JC
Ref : Metabolism , 42 :669 , 1993
Abstract :

The effects of growth hormone (GH) administration on hepatic lipase (HL) activity and mRNA levels were studied in pair-fed hypothyroid rats. In the hypothyroid state, liver HL mRNA levels and liver and postheparin plasma HL activities were decreased. In hypothyroid rats, GH normalized HL mRNA levels and HL activity in postheparin plasma; GH also increased the activity of HL in the liver, which remained lower than that in controls. These data indicate that at least part of the decrease of HL activity during hypothyroidism is due to the concomitant GH deficiency, and that GH rather than thyroid hormone may regulate HL mRNA levels.

PubMedSearch : Hoogerbrugge_1993_Metabolism_42_669
PubMedID: 8510508

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Hoogerbrugge N, Jansen H, Staels B, Seip MJ, Birkenhager JC (1993)
Growth hormone normalizes hepatic lipase in hypothyroid rat liver
Metabolism 42 :669

Hoogerbrugge N, Jansen H, Staels B, Seip MJ, Birkenhager JC (1993)
Metabolism 42 :669