

Title : Dose Dependent Prophylactic Efficacy of 6-Chlorotacrine in Soman-Poisoned Mice - Kassa_2017_Acta.Medica.(Hradec.Kralove)_60_140
Author(s) : Kassa J , Korabecny J
Ref : Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) , 60 :140 , 2017
Abstract :

AIM: The influence of the dose on the ability of promising newly prepared reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (6-chlorotacrine) to increase the resistance of mice against soman and the efficacy of antidotal treatment of soman-poisoned mice was evaluated. METHODS: The evaluation of the effect of pharmacological pretreatment is based on the identification of changes of soman-induced toxicity that was evaluated by the assessment of its LD50 value and its 95% confidence limit using probit-logarithmical analysis of death occurring within 24 hrs after administration of soman. RESULTS: The dose of 6-chlorotacrine significantly influences the prophylactic efficacy of 6-chlorotacrine. Its highest dose was only able to significantly protect mice against acute toxicity of soman and increase the efficacy of antidotal treatment (atropine in combination with the oxime HI-6) of soman-poisoned mice. In addition, the highest dose of 6-chlorotacrine was significantly more effective to protect mice from soman poisoning than its lowest dose. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate the important influence of the dose of 6-chlorotacine on its prophylactic efficacy in the case of pharmacological pretreatment of soman poisoning in mice.

PubMedSearch : Kassa_2017_Acta.Medica.(Hradec.Kralove)_60_140
PubMedID: 29716679

Related information

Inhibitor 6-chlorotacrine

Citations formats

Kassa J, Korabecny J (2017)
Dose Dependent Prophylactic Efficacy of 6-Chlorotacrine in Soman-Poisoned Mice
Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 60 :140

Kassa J, Korabecny J (2017)
Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 60 :140