

Title : Distinct localization of peripheral and central types of choline acetyltransferase in the rat cochlea - Kitanishi_2013_Acta.Histochem.Cytochem_46_145
Author(s) : Kitanishi T , Aimi Y , Kitano H , Suzuki M , Kimura H , Saito A , Shimizu T , Tooyama I
Ref : Acta Histochemica Cytochem , 46 :145 , 2013
Abstract :

We previously discovered a splice variant of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) mRNA, and designated the variant protein pChAT because of its preferential expression in peripheral neuronal structures. In this study, we examined the immunohistochemical localization of pChAT in rat cochlea and compared the distribution pattern to those of common ChAT (cChAT) and acetylcholinesterase. Some neuronal cell bodies and fibers in the spiral ganglia showed immunoreactivity for pChAT, predominantly the small spiral ganglion cells, indicating outer hair cell type II neurons. In contrast, cChAT- and acetylcholinesterase-positive structures were localized to fibers and not apparent in ganglion cells. After ablation of the cochlear nuclei, many pChAT-positive cochlear nerve fibers became clearly visible, whereas fibers immunopositive for cChAT and acetylcholine esterase disappeared. These results suggested that pChAT and cChAT are localized in different systems of the rat cochlea; pChAT in the afferent and cChAT in the efferent structures.

PubMedSearch : Kitanishi_2013_Acta.Histochem.Cytochem_46_145
PubMedID: 24194628

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Kitanishi T, Aimi Y, Kitano H, Suzuki M, Kimura H, Saito A, Shimizu T, Tooyama I (2013)
Distinct localization of peripheral and central types of choline acetyltransferase in the rat cochlea
Acta Histochemica Cytochem 46 :145

Kitanishi T, Aimi Y, Kitano H, Suzuki M, Kimura H, Saito A, Shimizu T, Tooyama I (2013)
Acta Histochemica Cytochem 46 :145