

Title : Chemical warfare agents - Kuca_2010_Exs_100_543
Author(s) : Kuca K , Pohanka M
Ref : Exs , 100 :543 , 2010
Abstract :

Chemical warfare agents are compounds of different chemical structures. Simple molecules such as chlorine as well as complex structures such as ricin belong to this group. Nerve agents, vesicants, incapacitating agents, blood agents, lung-damaging agents, riot-control agents and several toxins are among chemical warfare agents. Although the use of these compounds is strictly prohibited, the possible misuse by terrorist groups is a reality nowadays. Owing to this fact, knowledge of the basic properties of these substances is of a high importance. This chapter briefly introduces the separate groups of chemical warfare agents together with their members and the potential therapy that should be applied in case someone is intoxicated by these agents.

PubMedSearch : Kuca_2010_Exs_100_543
PubMedID: 20358695

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Kuca K, Pohanka M (2010)
Chemical warfare agents
Exs 100 :543

Kuca K, Pohanka M (2010)
Exs 100 :543