

Title : [Analysis of prognostic risk factors in childhood hemophagocytic syndrome] - Li_2011_Zhonghua.Xue.Ye.Xue.Za.Zhi_32_836
Author(s) : Li YG , Mao YN , Liu W , Zhao R , Song LL , Gao HL , Li HX , Zhang HM
Ref : Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi , 32 :836 , 2011
Abstract :

OBJECTIVE: To identify and explore the prognostic risk factors of the hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS). METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on 50 childhood patients with HPS who were admitted to our hospital between 2007 and 2011. All their medical records were reviewed and analyzed. For each patient, demographic, laboratory data and outcome information were collected. The patients were divided into deceased or survived groups based on the follow-up results. Comparative analysis of the data was done by using independent-samples test and logistic multiple and univariate regression. RESULTS: Among the 50 HPS patients, 30 were male and 20 female, age ranged from 3 months to 10 years. Reduction of serum albumin, cholinesterase and natural killer (NK) cells was found in the forty-six patients. The laboratory features showed an elevation of serum ferritin with hypofibrinogenemia and hypertriglyceridemia in most of the patients. Forty of patients had hemophagocyte in bone marrow at diagnosis of HPS. The positive serum EBV-IgM was found in thirty-five patients.During the observation period, 25 of 37 patients (67.6%) died, while 13 of whom died within a month after hospitalization. The deceased patients were more likely to have lower albumin, cholinesterase, NK cells level and more prolonged active partial thromboplastin time than the survived patients (P < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that duration of illness > 1 month, albumin level < 25 g/L, cholinesterase level < 2000 U/L, NK cell level 0-3% and positive EBV-IgM were related with the prognosis significantly (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: This study revealed that duration of illness > 1 month, decreases in albumin, NK cell and cholinesterase, and positive EBV-IgM were the risk factors related to mortality in children.

PubMedSearch : Li_2011_Zhonghua.Xue.Ye.Xue.Za.Zhi_32_836
PubMedID: 22339957

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Li YG, Mao YN, Liu W, Zhao R, Song LL, Gao HL, Li HX, Zhang HM (2011)
[Analysis of prognostic risk factors in childhood hemophagocytic syndrome]
Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 32 :836

Li YG, Mao YN, Liu W, Zhao R, Song LL, Gao HL, Li HX, Zhang HM (2011)
Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 32 :836