

Title : Engineering Pseudomonas entomophila for synthesis of copolymers with defined fractions of 3-hydroxybutyrate and medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoates - Li_2019_Metab.Eng_52_253
Author(s) : Li M , Chen X , Che X , Zhang H , Wu LP , Du H , Chen GQ
Ref : Metab Eng , 52 :253 , 2019
Abstract :

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) composed of both short-chain-length (SCL) and medium-chain-length (MCL) monomers (SCL-co-MCL PHA) combine the advantages of high strength and elasticity provided by SCL PHA and MCL PHA, respectively. Synthesis of SCL-co-MCL PHA, namely, copolymers of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and MCL 3-hydroxyalkanoates (3HA) such as 3-hydroxydecanoate (3HD) and longer chain 3HA, has been a challenge for a long time. This study aims to engineer Pseudomonas entomophila for synthesizing P(3HB-co-MCL 3HA) via weakening its beta-oxidation pathway combined with insertion of 3HB synthesis pathway consisting of beta-ketothiolase (phaA) and acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (phaB). 3HB and MCL 3HA polymerization is catalyzed by a low specificity PHA synthase (phaC), namely, mutated PhaC61-3. The link between the fatty acid de novo synthesis and PHA synthesis was further blocked to increase the supply for SCL and MCL monomers in P. entomophila. The so-constructed P. entomophila was successfully used to synthesize novel PHA copolymers of P(3HB-co-3HD), P(3HB-co-3HDD) and P(3HB-co-3H9D) consisting of 3HB and 3-hydroxydecanoate (3HD), 3-hydroxydodecanoate (3HDD) and 3-hydroxy-9-decanent (3H9D), respectively. MCL 3HA compositions of P(3HB-co-3HD) and P(3HB-co-3HDD) can be adjusted from 0 to approximate 100 mol%. Results demonstrated that the engineered P. entomophila could be a platform for tailor-made P(3HB-co-MCL 3HA).

PubMedSearch : Li_2019_Metab.Eng_52_253
PubMedID: 30582985

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Citations formats

Li M, Chen X, Che X, Zhang H, Wu LP, Du H, Chen GQ (2019)
Engineering Pseudomonas entomophila for synthesis of copolymers with defined fractions of 3-hydroxybutyrate and medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoates
Metab Eng 52 :253

Li M, Chen X, Che X, Zhang H, Wu LP, Du H, Chen GQ (2019)
Metab Eng 52 :253