

Title : The role of s-palmitoylation in neurological diseases: implication for zDHHC family - Liao_2023_Front.Pharmacol_14_1342830
Author(s) : Liao D , Huang Y , Liu D , Zhang H , Shi X , Li X , Luo P
Ref : Front Pharmacol , 14 :1342830 , 2023
Abstract :

S-palmitoylation is a reversible posttranslational modification, and the palmitoylation reaction in human-derived cells is mediated by the zDHHC family, which is composed of S-acyltransferase enzymes that possess the DHHC (Asp-His-His-Cys) structural domain. zDHHC proteins form an autoacylation intermediate, which then attaches the fatty acid to cysteine a residue in the target protein. zDHHC proteins sublocalize in different neuronal structures and exert dif-ferential effects on neurons. In humans, many zDHHC proteins are closely related to human neu-rological disor-ders. This review focuses on a variety of neurological disorders, such as AD (Alz-heimer's disease), HD (Huntington's disease), SCZ (schizophrenia), XLID (X-linked intellectual disability), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and glioma. In this paper, we will discuss and summarize the research progress regarding the role of zDHHC proteins in these neu-rological disorders.

PubMedSearch : Liao_2023_Front.Pharmacol_14_1342830
PubMedID: 38293675

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Citations formats

Liao D, Huang Y, Liu D, Zhang H, Shi X, Li X, Luo P (2023)
The role of s-palmitoylation in neurological diseases: implication for zDHHC family
Front Pharmacol 14 :1342830

Liao D, Huang Y, Liu D, Zhang H, Shi X, Li X, Luo P (2023)
Front Pharmacol 14 :1342830