

Title : In vitro SAR of (5-(2H)-isoxazolonyl) ureas, potent inhibitors of hormone-sensitive lipase - Lowe_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_3155
Author(s) : Lowe DB , Magnuson S , Qi N , Campbell AM , Cook J , Hong Z , Wang M , Rodriguez M , Achebe F , Kluender H , Wong WC , Bullock WH , Salhanick AI , Witman-Jones T , Bowling ME , Keiper C , Clairmont KB
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 14 :3155 , 2004
Abstract :

A series of (5-(2H)-isoxazolonyl) ureas were developed as nanomolar inhibitors of hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme of potential importance in the treatment of diabetes.

PubMedSearch : Lowe_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_3155
PubMedID: 15149665
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPE

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Citations formats

Lowe DB, Magnuson S, Qi N, Campbell AM, Cook J, Hong Z, Wang M, Rodriguez M, Achebe F, Kluender H, Wong WC, Bullock WH, Salhanick AI, Witman-Jones T, Bowling ME, Keiper C, Clairmont KB (2004)
In vitro SAR of (5-(2H)-isoxazolonyl) ureas, potent inhibitors of hormone-sensitive lipase
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett 14 :3155

Lowe DB, Magnuson S, Qi N, Campbell AM, Cook J, Hong Z, Wang M, Rodriguez M, Achebe F, Kluender H, Wong WC, Bullock WH, Salhanick AI, Witman-Jones T, Bowling ME, Keiper C, Clairmont KB (2004)
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett 14 :3155