

Title : Metabolic aspects of the toxicology of diazinon. I. Hepatic metabolism in the sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck - Machin_1975_Pest.Sci_6_461
Author(s) : Machin AF , Rogers H , Cross AJ , Quick MP , Howell LC , Janes NF
Ref : Pest Sci , 6 :461 , 1975
Abstract :

The phosphorothionate insecticide diazinon was incubated with liver microsomes from the sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck. Metabolism by liver slices of most of these species was also examined. Hydroxydiazinon, isohydroxydiazinon, dehydrodiazinon, their oxons and diazoxon were identified and determined quantitatively or semi-quantitatively. An eighth metabolite was tentatively identified as the 6-aldehyde analogue of diazinon. Yields and rates of production of these metabolites varied greatly between species. Production of oxons was not generally correlated with susceptibility to diazinon poisoning, although it was lowest in the least susceptible animal, the sheep. The degradation of oxons by liver slices was too slow to explain the low toxicity of diazinon to the mammals. The relative importance of hepatic and extrahepatic metabolism in determining toxicity to vertebrates is discussed.

PubMedSearch : Machin_1975_Pest.Sci_6_461

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Machin AF, Rogers H, Cross AJ, Quick MP, Howell LC, Janes NF (1975)
Metabolic aspects of the toxicology of diazinon. I. Hepatic metabolism in the sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck
Pest Sci 6 :461

Machin AF, Rogers H, Cross AJ, Quick MP, Howell LC, Janes NF (1975)
Pest Sci 6 :461