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Title : Potentially Inappropriate Medications and Anticholinergic Burden in Older People Attending Memory Clinics in Australia - Cross_2016_Drugs.Aging_33_37 |
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Title : A comparative study in rats of the in vitro and in vivo pharmacology of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors tacrine, donepezil and NXX-066 - Snape_1999_Neuropharmacol_38_181 |
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Title : Neurotransmitters and second messengers in aging and Alzheimer's disease - Francis_1993_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_695_19 |
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Title : Reversal by tetrahydroaminoacridine of scopolamine-induced memory and performance deficits in rats - Murray_1991_Psychopharmacology.(Berl)_105_134 |
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Title : Measurements of tacrine and monoamines in brain by in vivo microdialysis argue against release of monoamines by tacrine at therapeutic doses - Baldwin_1991_Br.J.Pharmacol_103_1946 |
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Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 103 :1946 , 1991 |
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Title : The mechanism of tetrahydroaminoacridine-evoked release of endogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine from rat brain tissue prisms - Robinson_1989_Br.J.Pharmacol_98_1127 |
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Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 98 :1127 , 1989 |
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Title : The cholinergic pharmacology of tetrahydroaminoacridine in vivo and in vitro - Hunter_1989_Br.J.Pharmacol_98_79 |
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Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 98 :79 , 1989 |
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Title : Metabolic aspects of the toxicology of diazinon. I. Hepatic metabolism in the sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck - Machin_1975_Pest.Sci_6_461 |
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