

Title : Reactivation and aging of diphenyl phosphoryl acetylcholinesterase - Maglothin_1975_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_403_370
Author(s) : Maglothin JA , Wins P , Wilson IB
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 403 :370 , 1975
Abstract :

Acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine hydrolase, EC is readily in hibited by 10(-5) M diphenylphosphorochloridate even though the inhibitor hydrolyzes in a few seconds. The fluoridate is a much weaker inhibitor. The inhibited enzyme, diphenyl phosphoryl enzyme spontaneously recovers only about 50% of its activity with a half time of about 17 min at pH 7.0 and 6 min at pH 8.0. The fact that only 50% of the original activity returns is due to aging. The rates of reactivation and aging can be very greatly increased by a few percent of an organic solvent. Depending on the solvent even 1% may increase the rates by a factor of 5 or 6. The highest increase in rate was 70-fold. Quaternary NH+4 also increases the rates. Organic solvents and NH+4 also accelerate the reactivation of the much more stable diethyl phosphoryl enzyme derivative.

PubMedSearch : Maglothin_1975_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_403_370
PubMedID: 241402

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Citations formats

Maglothin JA, Wins P, Wilson IB (1975)
Reactivation and aging of diphenyl phosphoryl acetylcholinesterase
Biochimica & Biophysica Acta 403 :370

Maglothin JA, Wins P, Wilson IB (1975)
Biochimica & Biophysica Acta 403 :370