

Title : Tissue and erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition and protection by clinoptilolite pretreatment - Mojzis_1994_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_36_533
Author(s) : Mojzis J , Nistiar F , Kovac G
Ref : Vet Hum Toxicol , 36 :533 , 1994
Abstract :

The inhibitory effect of VX, an organophosphate nerve agent, on tissue and erythrocyte cholinesterase (ChE) and the protective effect of clinoptilolite (Cli) in male Wistar rats were studied. The tissue and erythrocyte ChE activity were significantly inhibited 30 min after 65.5 micrograms VX/kg body weight administration. The greatest enzyme inhibition was observed in erythrocytes, stomach, brain and liver. The ChE activity after pretreatment with 1.0 g Cli/kg was significantly higher than that in the VX without Cli group in all samples except duodenum and colon.

PubMedSearch : Mojzis_1994_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_36_533
PubMedID: 7900273

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Inhibitor VX

Citations formats

Mojzis J, Nistiar F, Kovac G (1994)
Tissue and erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition and protection by clinoptilolite pretreatment
Vet Hum Toxicol 36 :533

Mojzis J, Nistiar F, Kovac G (1994)
Vet Hum Toxicol 36 :533