

Title : BIMP affects tubulin structure and causes abnormalities in cell division - Murata_2021_Leg.Med.(Tokyo)_53_101929
Author(s) : Murata K , Yoshikawa N , Yoshimoto K , Namera A , Takeshita H , Nagao M
Ref : Leg Med (Tokyo) , 53 :101929 , 2021
Abstract :

Although organophosphorus agents are used worldwide as pesticides, there have been many reports of pesticide poisoning. Nerve agents are organophosphorus agents that interfere with neurotransmission and have been used as chemical weapons in wars. These agents mainly irreversibly inhibit the action of acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, and are believed to cause acute symptoms of poisoning. However, in recent years, the presence of subacute, delayed toxicity independent of acetylcholinesterase inhibition has been reported for some organophosphorus agents. We analyzed the subacute and delayed toxicity of bis(isopropylmethyl)phosphonate (BIMP), which has the same phosphonate group as sarin. BIMP rounded out the morphology of the cells and reduced the proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle over time. No DNA damage was observed, suggesting that BIMP may affect cell division.

PubMedSearch : Murata_2021_Leg.Med.(Tokyo)_53_101929
PubMedID: 34225093

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Inhibitor BIMP

Citations formats

Murata K, Yoshikawa N, Yoshimoto K, Namera A, Takeshita H, Nagao M (2021)
BIMP affects tubulin structure and causes abnormalities in cell division
Leg Med (Tokyo) 53 :101929

Murata K, Yoshikawa N, Yoshimoto K, Namera A, Takeshita H, Nagao M (2021)
Leg Med (Tokyo) 53 :101929