

Title : EzCatDB: the enzyme reaction database, 2015 update - Nagano_2015_Nucleic.Acids.Res_43_D453
Author(s) : Nagano N , Nakayama N , Ikeda K , Fukuie M , Yokota K , Doi T , Kato T , Tomii K
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 43 :D453 , 2015
Abstract :

The EzCatDB database ( has emphasized manual classification of enzyme reactions from the viewpoints of enzyme active-site structures and their catalytic mechanisms based on literature information, amino acid sequences of enzymes (UniProtKB) and the corresponding tertiary structures from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Reaction types such as hydrolysis, transfer, addition, elimination, isomerization, hydride transfer and electron transfer have been included in the reaction classification, RLCP. This database includes information related to ligand molecules on the enzyme structures in the PDB data, classified in terms of cofactors, substrates, products and intermediates, which are also necessary to elucidate the catalytic mechanisms. Recently, the database system was updated. The 3D structures of active sites for each PDB entry can be viewed using Jmol or Rasmol software. Moreover, sequence search systems of two types were developed for the EzCatDB database: EzCat-BLAST and EzCat-FORTE. EzCat-BLAST is suitable for quick searches, adopting the BLAST algorithm, whereas EzCat-FORTE is more suitable for detecting remote homologues, adopting the algorithm for FORTE protein structure prediction software. Another system, EzMetAct, is also available to searching for major active-site structures in EzCatDB, for which PDB-formatted queries can be searched.

PubMedSearch : Nagano_2015_Nucleic.Acids.Res_43_D453
PubMedID: 25324316

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Nagano N, Nakayama N, Ikeda K, Fukuie M, Yokota K, Doi T, Kato T, Tomii K (2015)
EzCatDB: the enzyme reaction database, 2015 update
Nucleic Acids Research 43 :D453

Nagano N, Nakayama N, Ikeda K, Fukuie M, Yokota K, Doi T, Kato T, Tomii K (2015)
Nucleic Acids Research 43 :D453