

Title : Neuropsychiatric Presentation of Anti-DPPX Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity and Myoclonus -
Author(s) : Neo RJ , Mehta AR , Weston M , Magrinelli F , Quattrone A , Gandhi S , Joyce EM , Bhatia KP
Ref : Movement Disorder Clin Pract , 11 :97 , 2024
PubMedID: 38291842
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP6

Citations formats

Neo RJ, Mehta AR, Weston M, Magrinelli F, Quattrone A, Gandhi S, Joyce EM, Bhatia KP (2024)
Neuropsychiatric Presentation of Anti-DPPX Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity and Myoclonus
Movement Disorder Clin Pract 11 :97

Neo RJ, Mehta AR, Weston M, Magrinelli F, Quattrone A, Gandhi S, Joyce EM, Bhatia KP (2024)
Movement Disorder Clin Pract 11 :97