

Title : In vitro evaluation of novel SN-38 prodrug activated by alpha-rhamnosidase of exogenous enzyme - Nii_2024_Anal.Sci__
Author(s) : Nii T , Hijii S , Kaneko R , Tanito K , Yamanaka K , Kishimura A , Mori T , Katayama Y
Ref : Anal Sci , : , 2024
Abstract :

This study introduces the alpha-rhamnose (Rham)-conjugated prodrug of SN-38 (Rham-SN-38) as a promising alternative to irinotecan. alpha-rhamnosidase, responsible for SN-38 release from Rham-SN-38, does not express in human cells, minimizing individual variability and side effects. The injection of the alpha-rhamnosidase into the tumor tissues makes it possible, for the first time, to activate the Rham-SN-38. Furthermore, alpha-rhamnosidase demonstrates significantly higher activity than carboxylesterase, the specific enzyme activating irinotecan. SN-38 release mediated by alpha-rhamnosidase completes within 2 h, with a k(cat)/K(m) value approximately 5.0 x 10(4)-fold higher than that of irinotecan. The 50% inhibition concentration (IC(50)) of Rham-SN-38 against three types of cancer cells and one normal cell exceeds 4.5 x 10(3) nM. The addition of alpha-rhamnosidase significantly increases cytotoxicity, with IC(50) comparable to free SN-38. The QIC(50), an index reflecting the difference in cytotoxicity with and without alpha-rhamnosidase, exceeds approximately 1.0 x 10(2)-fold. Rham-SN-38, synthesized in this study, demonstrates significant potential as a prodrug for cancer therapy.

PubMedSearch : Nii_2024_Anal.Sci__
PubMedID: 38748393

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Citations formats

Nii T, Hijii S, Kaneko R, Tanito K, Yamanaka K, Kishimura A, Mori T, Katayama Y (2024)
In vitro evaluation of novel SN-38 prodrug activated by alpha-rhamnosidase of exogenous enzyme
Anal Sci :

Nii T, Hijii S, Kaneko R, Tanito K, Yamanaka K, Kishimura A, Mori T, Katayama Y (2024)
Anal Sci :