

Title : Gene-by-Sex Interactions in Mitochondrial Functions and Cardio-Metabolic Traits - Norheim_2019_Cell.Metab_29_932
Author(s) : Norheim F , Hasin-Brumshtein Y , Vergnes L , Chella Krishnan K , Pan C , Seldin MM , Hui ST , Mehrabian M , Zhou Z , Gupta S , Parks BW , Walch A , Reue K , Hofmann SM , Arnold AP , Lusis AJ
Ref : Cell Metab , 29 :932 , 2019
Abstract :

We studied sex differences in over 50 cardio-metabolic traits in a panel of 100 diverse inbred strains of mice. The results clearly showed that the effects of sex on both clinical phenotypes and gene expression depend on the genetic background. In support of this, genetic loci associated with the traits frequently showed sex specificity. For example, Lyplal1, a gene implicated in human obesity, was shown to underlie a sex-specific locus for diet-induced obesity. Global gene expression analyses of tissues across the panel implicated adipose tissue "beiging" and mitochondrial functions in the sex differences. Isolated mitochondria showed gene-by-sex interactions in oxidative functions, such that some strains (C57BL/6J) showed similar function between sexes, whereas others (DBA/2J and A/J) showed increased function in females. Reduced adipose mitochondrial function in males as compared to females was associated with increased susceptibility to obesity and insulin resistance. Gonadectomy studies indicated that gonadal hormones acting in a tissue-specific manner were responsible in part for the sex differences.

PubMedSearch : Norheim_2019_Cell.Metab_29_932
PubMedID: 30639359
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LYPLAL1 , mouse-lypl1

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Gene_locus human-LYPLAL1    mouse-lypl1

Citations formats

Norheim F, Hasin-Brumshtein Y, Vergnes L, Chella Krishnan K, Pan C, Seldin MM, Hui ST, Mehrabian M, Zhou Z, Gupta S, Parks BW, Walch A, Reue K, Hofmann SM, Arnold AP, Lusis AJ (2019)
Gene-by-Sex Interactions in Mitochondrial Functions and Cardio-Metabolic Traits
Cell Metab 29 :932

Norheim F, Hasin-Brumshtein Y, Vergnes L, Chella Krishnan K, Pan C, Seldin MM, Hui ST, Mehrabian M, Zhou Z, Gupta S, Parks BW, Walch A, Reue K, Hofmann SM, Arnold AP, Lusis AJ (2019)
Cell Metab 29 :932