

Title : Biochemical measurement of cholinesterase activity - Padilla_1999_Methods.Mol.Med_22_237
Author(s) : Padilla S , Lassiter TL , Hunter D
Ref : Methods Mol Med , 22 :237 , 1999
Abstract :

The cholinesterases (acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase)In this chapter, cholinesterase will be used to refer to both enzymes together (i.e., total cholinesterase), whereas acetylcholinesterase or butyrylcholinesterase will be used when referring to the specific esterase.

PubMedSearch : Padilla_1999_Methods.Mol.Med_22_237
PubMedID: 21380839

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Citations formats

Padilla S, Lassiter TL, Hunter D (1999)
Biochemical measurement of cholinesterase activity
Methods Mol Med 22 :237

Padilla S, Lassiter TL, Hunter D (1999)
Methods Mol Med 22 :237