Padilla S


Full name : Padilla Stephanie

First name : Stephanie

Mail : Neurotoxicology Division (MD-74B), US Environmental Protection Agency North Carolina

Zip Code : 27711

City : Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Country : USA

Email :

Phone : (919)541-3956

Fax : (919)541-5024

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References (96)

Title : Esterase detoxication of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors using human liver samples in vitro - Moser_2016_Toxicology_353-354_11
Author(s) : Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 353-354 :11 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_2016_Toxicology_353-354_11
PubMedID: 27132127

Title : Acute administration of dopaminergic drugs has differential effects on locomotion in larval zebrafish - Irons_2013_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_103_792
Author(s) : Irons TD , Kelly PE , Hunter DL , MacPhail RC , Padilla S
Ref : Pharmacol Biochem Behav , 103 :792 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Irons_2013_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_103_792
PubMedID: 23274813

Title : Developmental exposure to valproate and ethanol alters locomotor activity and retino-tectal projection area in zebrafish embryos - Cowden_2012_Reprod.Toxicol_33_165
Author(s) : Cowden J , Padnos B , Hunter D , MacPhail R , Jensen K , Padilla S
Ref : Reprod Toxicol , 33 :165 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cowden_2012_Reprod.Toxicol_33_165
PubMedID: 22244950

Title : Impact of chemical proportions on the acute neurotoxicity of a mixture of seven carbamates in preweanling and adult rats - Moser_2012_Toxicol.Sci_129_126
Author(s) : Moser VC , Padilla S , Simmons JE , Haber LT , Hertzberg RC
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 129 :126 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_2012_Toxicol.Sci_129_126
PubMedID: 22649187

Title : Update on EPA's ToxCast program: providing high throughput decision support tools for chemical risk management - Kavlock_2012_Chem.Res.Toxicol_25_1287
Author(s) : Kavlock R , Chandler K , Houck K , Hunter S , Judson R , Kleinstreuer N , Knudsen T , Martin M , Padilla S , Reif D , Richard A , Rotroff D , Sipes N , Dix D
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 25 :1287 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kavlock_2012_Chem.Res.Toxicol_25_1287
PubMedID: 22519603

Title : Zebrafish developmental screening of the ToxCast Phase I chemical library - Padilla_2012_Reprod.Toxicol_33_174
Author(s) : Padilla S , Corum D , Padnos B , Hunter DL , Beam A , Houck KA , Sipes N , Kleinstreuer N , Knudsen T , Dix DJ , Reif DM
Ref : Reprod Toxicol , 33 :174 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2012_Reprod.Toxicol_33_174
PubMedID: 22182468

Title : Advancing the science of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT): testing for better safety evaluation -
Author(s) : Bal-Price AK , Coecke S , Costa L , Crofton KM , Fritsche E , Goldberg A , Grandjean P , Lein PJ , Li A , Lucchini R , Mundy WR , Padilla S , Persico AM , Seiler AE , Kreysa J
Ref : ALTEX , 29 :202 , 2012
PubMedID: 22892558

Title : The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology and teratology, September 2-3, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany - Busch_2011_Reprod.Toxicol_31_585
Author(s) : Busch W , Duis K , Fenske M , Maack G , Legler J , Padilla S , Strahle U , Witters H , Scholz S
Ref : Reprod Toxicol , 31 :585 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Busch_2011_Reprod.Toxicol_31_585
PubMedID: 21766521

Title : Silver nanoparticles alter zebrafish development and larval behavior: distinct roles for particle size, coating and composition - Powers_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_708
Author(s) : Powers CM , Slotkin TA , Seidler FJ , Badireddy AR , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology & Teratology , 33 :708 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Powers_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_708
PubMedID: 21315816

Title : Zebrafish: as an integrative model for twenty-first century toxicity testing - Sipes_2011_Birth.Defects.Res.C.Embryo.Today_93_256
Author(s) : Sipes NS , Padilla S , Knudsen TB
Ref : Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today , 93 :256 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sipes_2011_Birth.Defects.Res.C.Embryo.Today_93_256
PubMedID: 21932434

Title : Esterase metabolism of cholinesterase inhibitors using rat liver in vitro - Moser_2011_Toxicology_281_56
Author(s) : Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 281 :56 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_2011_Toxicology_281_56
PubMedID: 21237238

Title : Adverse outcome pathways during early fish development: a conceptual framework for identification of chemical screening and prioritization strategies - Volz_2011_Toxicol.Sci_123_349
Author(s) : Volz DC , Belanger S , Embry M , Padilla S , Sanderson H , Schirmer K , Scholz S , Villeneuve D
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 123 :349 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Volz_2011_Toxicol.Sci_123_349
PubMedID: 21750347

Title : Rearing conditions differentially affect the locomotor behavior of larval zebrafish, but not their response to valproate-induced developmental neurotoxicity - Zellner_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_674
Author(s) : Zellner D , Padnos B , Hunter DL , MacPhail RC , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology & Teratology , 33 :674 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zellner_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_674
PubMedID: 21767635

Title : Generation and characterization of neurogenin1-GFP transgenic medaka with potential for rapid developmental neurotoxicity screening - Fan_2011_Aquat.Toxicol_105_127
Author(s) : Fan CY , Simmons SO , Law SH , Jensen K , Cowden J , Hinton D , Padilla S , Ramabhadran R
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 105 :127 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fan_2011_Aquat.Toxicol_105_127
PubMedID: 21718657

Title : Assessing locomotor activity in larval zebrafish: Influence of extrinsic and intrinsic variables - Padilla_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_624
Author(s) : Padilla S , Hunter DL , Padnos B , Frady S , MacPhail RC
Ref : Neurotoxicology & Teratology , 33 :624 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2011_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_33_624
PubMedID: 21871562

Title : The dynamics of successive induction in larval zebrafish - Staddon_2010_J.Exp.Anal.Behav_94_261
Author(s) : Staddon JE , MacPhail RC , Padilla S
Ref : J Exp Anal Behav , 94 :261 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Staddon_2010_J.Exp.Anal.Behav_94_261
PubMedID: 21451752

Title : Gene expression changes in developing zebrafish as potential markers for rapid developmental neurotoxicity screening - Fan_2010_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_32_91
Author(s) : Fan CY , Cowden J , Simmons SO , Padilla S , Ramabhadran R
Ref : Neurotoxicology & Teratology , 32 :91 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fan_2010_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_32_91
PubMedID: 19460430

Title : Relationship between brain and plasma carbaryl levels and cholinesterase inhibition - Herr_2010_Toxicology_276_172
Author(s) : Herr DW , Mwanza JC , Lyke DF , Graff JE , Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 276 :172 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Herr_2010_Toxicology_276_172
PubMedID: 20708061

Title : Evaluation of candidate genes for cholinesterase activity in farmworkers exposed to organophosphorus pesticides: association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in BCHE - Howard_2010_Environ.Health.Perspect_118_1395
Author(s) : Howard TD , Hsu FC , Grzywacz JG , Chen H , Quandt SA , Vallejos QM , Whalley LE , Cui W , Padilla S , Arcury TA
Ref : Environmental Health Perspectives , 118 :1395 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Howard_2010_Environ.Health.Perspect_118_1395
PubMedID: 20529763

Title : Acute neuroactive drug exposures alter locomotor activity in larval zebrafish - Irons_2010_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_32_84
Author(s) : Irons TD , MacPhail RC , Hunter DL , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology & Teratology , 32 :84 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Irons_2010_Neurotoxicol.Teratol_32_84
PubMedID: 19465114

Title : Locomotion in larval zebrafish: Influence of time of day, lighting and ethanol - MacPhail_2009_Neurotoxicol_30_52
Author(s) : MacPhail RC , Brooks J , Hunter DL , Padnos B , Irons TD , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 30 :52 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : MacPhail_2009_Neurotoxicol_30_52
PubMedID: 18952124

Title : Use of medaka in toxicity testing - Padilla_2009_Curr.Protoc.Toxicol_Chapter 1_Unit1 10
Author(s) : Padilla S , Cowden J , Hinton DE , Yuen B , Law S , Kullman SW , Johnson R , Hardman RC , Flynn K , Au DW
Ref : Curr Protoc Toxicol , Chapter 1 :Unit1 10 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2009_Curr.Protoc.Toxicol_Chapter 1_Unit1 10
PubMedID: 20922755

Title : Time course of cholinesterase inhibition in adult rats treated acutely with carbaryl, carbofuran, formetanate, methomyl, methiocarb, oxamyl or propoxur - Padilla_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_202
Author(s) : Padilla S , Marshall RS , Hunter DL , Lowit A
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 219 :202 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_202
PubMedID: 17197007

Title : Comparison of acute neurobehavioral and cholinesterase inhibitory effects of N-methylcarbamates in rat - McDaniel_2007_Toxicol.Sci_98_552
Author(s) : McDaniel KL , Padilla S , Marshall RS , Phillips PM , Podhorniak L , Qian Y , Moser VC
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 98 :552 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : McDaniel_2007_Toxicol.Sci_98_552
PubMedID: 17504769

Title : Re: age-related brain cholinesterase inhibition kinetics following in vitro incubation with chlorpyrifos-oxon and diazinon-oxon -
Author(s) : Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 98 :604\; author reply 605 , 2007
PubMedID: 17554074

Title : Measuring cholinesterase activity in human saliva - Claus_2006_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_69_1805
Author(s) : Claus Henn B , McMaster S , Padilla S
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health A , 69 :1805 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Claus_2006_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_69_1805
PubMedID: 16905510

Title : A tiered approach to systemic toxicity testing for agricultural chemical safety assessment - Doe_2006_Crit.Rev.Toxicol_36_37
Author(s) : Doe JE , Boobis AR , Blacker A , Dellarco V , Doerrer NG , Franklin C , Goodman JI , Kronenberg JM , Lewis R , McConnell EE , Mercier T , Moretto A , Nolan C , Padilla S , Phang W , Solecki R , Tilbury L , van Ravenzwaay B , Wolf DC
Ref : Crit Rev Toxicol , 36 :37 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Doe_2006_Crit.Rev.Toxicol_36_37
PubMedID: 16708694

Title : Adapting the medaka embryo assay to a high-throughput approach for developmental toxicity testing - Oxendine_2006_Neurotoxicol_27_840
Author(s) : Oxendine SL , Cowden J , Hinton DE , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 27 :840 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Oxendine_2006_Neurotoxicol_27_840
PubMedID: 16620995

Title : Vulnerable windows for developmental ethanol toxicity in the Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) - Oxendine_2006_Aquat.Toxicol_80_396
Author(s) : Oxendine SL , Cowden J , Hinton DE , Padilla S
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 80 :396 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Oxendine_2006_Aquat.Toxicol_80_396
PubMedID: 17125851

Title : Characterization of deltamethrin metabolism by rat plasma and liver microsomes - Anand_2006_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_212_156
Author(s) : Anand SS , Bruckner JV , Haines WT , Muralidhara S , Fisher JW , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 212 :156 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anand_2006_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_212_156
PubMedID: 16169030

Title : Ontogeny of hepatic and plasma metabolism of deltamethrin in vitro: role in age-dependent acute neurotoxicity - Anand_2006_Drug.Metab.Dispos_34_389
Author(s) : Anand SS , Kim KB , Padilla S , Muralidhara S , Kim HJ , Fisher JW , Bruckner JV
Ref : Drug Metabolism & Disposition: The Biological Fate of Chemicals , 34 :389 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Anand_2006_Drug.Metab.Dispos_34_389
PubMedID: 16326812

Title : Neurobehavioral effects of chronic dietary and repeated high-level spike exposure to chlorpyrifos in rats - Moser_2005_Toxicol.Sci_86_375
Author(s) : Moser VC , Phillips PM , McDaniel KL , Marshall RS , Hunter DL , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 86 :375 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_2005_Toxicol.Sci_86_375
PubMedID: 15901919

Title : Neurochemical effects of chronic dietary and repeated high-level acute exposure to chlorpyrifos in rats - Padilla_2005_Toxicol.Sci_88_161
Author(s) : Padilla S , Marshall RS , Hunter DL , Oxendine S , Moser VC , Southerland SB , Mailman RB
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 88 :161 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2005_Toxicol.Sci_88_161
PubMedID: 16081522

Title : A dried blood spot method to evaluate cholinesterase activity in young children - Hilborn_2004_Arch.Environ.Health_59_467
Author(s) : Hilborn ED , Padilla S
Ref : Archives of Environmental Health , 59 :467 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hilborn_2004_Arch.Environ.Health_59_467
PubMedID: 16381488

Title : Further assessment of an in vitro screen that may help identify organophosphorus pesticides that are more acutely toxic to the young - Padilla_2004_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_67_1477
Author(s) : Padilla S , Sung HJ , Moser VC
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health A , 67 :1477 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2004_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health.A_67_1477
PubMedID: 15371233

Title : Automated measurement of acetylcholinesterase activity in rat peripheral tissues - Lassiter_2003_Toxicology_186_241
Author(s) : Lassiter TL , Marshall RS , Jackson LC , Hunter DL , Vu JT , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 186 :241 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lassiter_2003_Toxicology_186_241
PubMedID: 12628316

Title : Developmental neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos: what is the vulnerable period? - Qiao_2002_Environ.Health.Perspect_110_1097
Author(s) : Qiao D , Seidler FJ , Padilla S , Slotkin TA
Ref : Environmental Health Perspectives , 110 :1097 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Qiao_2002_Environ.Health.Perspect_110_1097
PubMedID: 12417480

Title : An invertebrate model of the developmental neurotoxicity of insecticides: effects of chlorpyrifos and dieldrin in sea urchin embryos and larvae - Buznikov_2001_Environ.Health.Perspect_109_651
Author(s) : Buznikov GA , Nikitina LA , Bezuglov VV , Lauder JM , Padilla S , Slotkin TA
Ref : Environmental Health Perspectives , 109 :651 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Buznikov_2001_Environ.Health.Perspect_109_651
PubMedID: 11485862

Title : Methods to identify and characterize developmental neurotoxicity for human health risk assessment. III: pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations - Dorman_2001_Environ.Health.Perspect_109 Suppl 1_101
Author(s) : Dorman DC , Allen SL , Byczkowski JZ , Claudio L , Fisher JE, Jr. , Fisher JW , Harry GJ , Li AA , Makris SL , Padilla S , Sultatos LG , Mileson BE
Ref : Environmental Health Perspectives , 109 Suppl 1 :101 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dorman_2001_Environ.Health.Perspect_109 Suppl 1_101
PubMedID: 11250810

Title : Biochemical approaches to studying neurotoxicity - Padilla_2001_Curr.Protoc.Toxicol_Chapter 12_Unit12 1
Author(s) : Padilla S
Ref : Curr Protoc Toxicol , Chapter 12 :Unit12 1 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2001_Curr.Protoc.Toxicol_Chapter 12_Unit12 1
PubMedID: 23045030

Title : Comparison of the role of esterases in the differential age-related sensitivity to chlorpyrifos and methamidophos - Padilla_2000_Neurotoxicol_21_49
Author(s) : Padilla S , Buzzard J , Moser VC
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 21 :49 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_2000_Neurotoxicol_21_49
PubMedID: 10794384

Title : Gestational exposure to chlorpyrifos: comparative distribution of trichloropyridinol in the fetus and dam - Hunter_1999_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_158_16
Author(s) : Hunter DL , Lassiter TL , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 158 :16 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hunter_1999_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_158_16
PubMedID: 10387928

Title : Gestational exposure to chlorpyrifos: dose response profiles for cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activity - Lassiter_1999_Toxicol.Sci_52_92
Author(s) : Lassiter TL , Barone S, Jr. , Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 52 :92 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lassiter_1999_Toxicol.Sci_52_92
PubMedID: 10568702

Title : Biochemical measurement of cholinesterase activity - Padilla_1999_Methods.Mol.Med_22_237
Author(s) : Padilla S , Lassiter TL , Hunter D
Ref : Methods Mol Med , 22 :237 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1999_Methods.Mol.Med_22_237
PubMedID: 21380839

Title : Comparison of Fetal and Maternal Brain Cholinesterase Activity Following Repeated Versus Single Late Gestational Exposure to Chlorpyrifos -
Author(s) : Lassiter TL , Padilla S , Chanda SM , Das K , Haykal-Coates N , Hunter D , Marshall R , Barone S, Jr.
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :554 , 1998

Title : Rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity: developmental profile and maturational sensitivity to carbamate and organophosphorus inhibitors - Mortensen_1998_Toxicology_125_13
Author(s) : Mortensen SR , Hooper MJ , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 125 :13 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mortensen_1998_Toxicology_125_13
PubMedID: 9585096

Title : Ontogenetic differences in the regional and cellular acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activity in the rat brain - Lassiter_1998_Brain.Res.Dev.Brain.Res_105_109
Author(s) : Lassiter TL , Barone S, Jr. , Padilla S
Ref : Brain Research Developmental Brain Research , 105 :109 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lassiter_1998_Brain.Res.Dev.Brain.Res_105_109
PubMedID: 9497085

Title : Gestational exposure to chlorpyrifos: apparent protection of the fetus? - Lassiter_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_152_56
Author(s) : Lassiter TL , Padilla S , Mortensen SR , Chanda SM , Moser VC , Barone S, Jr.
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 152 :56 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lassiter_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_152_56
PubMedID: 9772200

Title : Age- and gender-related differences in sensitivity to chlorpyrifos in the rat reflect developmental profiles of esterase activities - Moser_1998_Toxicol.Sci_46_211
Author(s) : Moser VC , Chanda SM , Mortensen SR , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 46 :211 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_1998_Toxicol.Sci_46_211
PubMedID: 10048124

Title : Hematological responses to training and taper in competitive swimmers: relationships with performance - Mujika_1998_Arch.Physiol.Biochem_105_379
Author(s) : Mujika I , Padilla S , Geyssant A , Chatard JC
Ref : Arch Physiol Biochem , 105 :379 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mujika_1998_Arch.Physiol.Biochem_105_379
PubMedID: 9711359

Title : Comparison of the in vitro sensitivity of rat acetylcholinesterase to chlorpyrifos-oxon: what do tissue IC50 values represent? - Mortensen_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_148_46
Author(s) : Mortensen SR , Brimijoin S , Hooper MJ , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 148 :46 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mortensen_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_148_46
PubMedID: 9465262

Title : Age- and gender-related differences in the time course of behavioral and biochemical effects produced by oral chlorpyrifos in rats - Moser_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_149_107
Author(s) : Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 149 :107 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moser_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_149_107
PubMedID: 9512733

Title : Common mechanism of toxicity: a case study of organophosphorus pesticides - Mileson_1998_Toxicol.Sci_41_8
Author(s) : Mileson BE , Chambers JE , Chen WL , Dettbarn W , Ehrich M , Eldefrawi AT , Gaylor DW , Hamernik K , Hodgson E , Karczmar AG , Padilla S , Pope CN , Richardson RJ , Saunders DR , Sheets LP , Sultatos LG , Wallace KB
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 41 :8 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mileson_1998_Toxicol.Sci_41_8
PubMedID: 9520337

Title : Tissue-specific effects of chlorpyrifos on carboxylesterase and cholinesterase activity in adult rats: an in vitro and in vivo comparison - Chanda_1997_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_38_148
Author(s) : Chanda SM , Mortensen SR , Moser VC , Padilla S
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 38 :148 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chanda_1997_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_38_148
PubMedID: 9299188

Title : The relationship of oral chlorpyrifos effects on behavior, cholinesterase inhibition, and muscarinic receptor density in rat - Nostrandt_1997_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_58_15
Author(s) : Nostrandt AC , Padilla S , Moser VC
Ref : Pharmacol Biochem Behav , 58 :15 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nostrandt_1997_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_58_15
PubMedID: 9264064

Title : Cellular mechanisms for developmental toxicity of chlorpyrifos: targeting the adenylyl cyclase signaling cascade - Song_1997_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_145_158
Author(s) : Song X , Seidler FJ , Saleh JL , Zhang J , Padilla S , Slotkin TA
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 145 :158 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Song_1997_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_145_158
PubMedID: 9221834

Title : The impact of dose rate on the neurotoxicity of acrylamide: the interaction of administered dose, target tissue concentrations, tissue damage, and functional effects - Crofton_1996_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_139_163
Author(s) : Crofton KM , Padilla S , Tilson HA , Anthony DC , Raymer JH , MacPhail RC
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 139 :163 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Crofton_1996_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_139_163
PubMedID: 8685900

Title : Validation of the use of 6,6'-dithiodinicotinic acid as a chromogen in the Ellman method for cholinesterase determinations - Willig_1996_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_38_249
Author(s) : Willig S , Hunter DL , Dass PD , Padilla S
Ref : Vet Hum Toxicol , 38 :249 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Willig_1996_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_38_249
PubMedID: 8829340

Title : Factors in standardizing automated cholinesterase assays - Wilson_1996_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_48_187
Author(s) : Wilson BW , Padilla S , Henderson JD , Brimijoin S , Dass PD , Elliot G , Jaeger B , Lanz D , Pearson R , Spies R
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 48 :187 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wilson_1996_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_48_187
PubMedID: 8642625

Title : Quantitative, video-based histochemistry to measure regional effects of anticholinesterase pesticides in rat brain - Hammond_1996_Anal.Biochem_241_82
Author(s) : Hammond PI , Jelacic T , Padilla S , Brimijoin S
Ref : Analytical Biochemistry , 241 :82 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hammond_1996_Anal.Biochem_241_82
PubMedID: 8921169

Title : Maturational differences in chlorpyrifos-oxonase activity may contribute to age-related sensitivity to chlorpyrifos - Mortensen_1996_J.Biochem.Toxicol_11_279
Author(s) : Mortensen SR , Chanda SM , Hooper MJ , Padilla S
Ref : Journal of Biochemical Toxicology , 11 :279 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mortensen_1996_J.Biochem.Toxicol_11_279
PubMedID: 9265078

Title : Inhibition of rat brain phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C by aluminum: regional differences, interactions with aluminum salts, and mechanisms - Nostrandt_1996_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_136_118
Author(s) : Nostrandt AC , Shafer TJ , Mundy WR , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 136 :118 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nostrandt_1996_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_136_118
PubMedID: 8560464

Title : Comparison of the relative inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and neuropathy target esterase in rats and hens given cholinesterase inhibitors - Ehrich_1995_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_24_94
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Jortner BS , Padilla S
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 24 :94 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ehrich_1995_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_24_94
PubMedID: 7713347

Title : A Mono-Percoll separation technique improves sperm recovery of normal and male factor specimens when compared with the swim-up technique - Shalika_1995_Hum.Reprod_10_3195
Author(s) : Shalika S , Dugan K , Pelesh D , Padilla S
Ref : Hum Reprod , 10 :3195 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shalika_1995_Hum.Reprod_10_3195
PubMedID: 8822442

Title : Clinical Blood Cholinesterase Measurements for Monitoring Pesticide Exposures -
Author(s) : Wilson BW , Padilla S , Sanborn JR , Henderson JD , Billitti JE
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :329 , 1995

Title : Repeated Dosing with Chlorpyrifos Increases Acetylcholinesterase Immunoreactivity in Rat Brain -
Author(s) : Padilla S , Chiappa S , Koenigsberger C , Moser V , Brimijoin S
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :337 , 1995

Title : Fenthion Treatment Produces Tissue-, Dose-, and Time-Dependent Decreases in Muscarinic Second Messenger Response in the Adult Rat CNS -
Author(s) : Tandon P , Pope CN , Barone S, Jr. , Boyes W , Tilson HA , Padilla S
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :396 , 1995

Title : Slow accumulation of acetylcholinesterase in rat brain during enzyme inhibition by repeated dosing with chlorpyrifos - Chiappa_1995_Biochem.Pharmacol_49_955
Author(s) : Chiappa S , Padilla S , Koenigsberger C , Moser V , Brimijoin S
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 49 :955 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chiappa_1995_Biochem.Pharmacol_49_955
PubMedID: 7537966

Title : Regulatory and research issues related to cholinesterase inhibition. - Padilla_1995_Toxicology_102_215
Author(s) : Padilla S
Ref : Toxicology , 102 :215 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1995_Toxicology_102_215
PubMedID: 7482556

Title : Fenthion produces a persistent decrease in muscarinic receptor function in the adult rat retina - Tandon_1994_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_125_271
Author(s) : Tandon P , Padilla S , Barone S, Jr. , Pope CN , Tilson HA
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 125 :271 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tandon_1994_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_125_271
PubMedID: 8171435

Title : Studies on the correlation between blood cholinesterase inhibition and 'target tissue' inhibition in pesticide-treated rats - Padilla_1994_Toxicology_92_11
Author(s) : Padilla S , Wilson VZ , Bushnell PJ
Ref : Toxicology , 92 :11 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1994_Toxicology_92_11
PubMedID: 7524196

Title : Effects of organophosphates on the visual system of rats. - Boyes_1994_J.Appl.Toxicol_14_135
Author(s) : Boyes WK , Tandon P , Barone S, Jr. , Padilla S
Ref : Journal of Applied Toxicology , 14 :135 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Boyes_1994_J.Appl.Toxicol_14_135
PubMedID: 8027509

Title : Behavioral and neurochemical effects of acute chlorpyrifos in rats: tolerance to prolonged inhibition of cholinesterase - Bushnell_1993_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_266_1007
Author(s) : Bushnell PJ , Pope CN , Padilla S
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 266 :1007 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bushnell_1993_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_266_1007
PubMedID: 7689099

Title : Determination of acrylamide in rat serum and sciatic nerve by gas chromatography-electron-capture detection - Raymer_1993_J.Chromatogr_619_223
Author(s) : Raymer JH , Sparacino CM , Velez GR , Padilla S , MacPhail RC , Crofton KM
Ref : Journal of Chromatography , 619 :223 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Raymer_1993_J.Chromatogr_619_223
PubMedID: 8263094

Title : Developmental changes in carbachol-stimulated inositolphosphate release in pigmented rat retina - Tandon_1993_Curr.Eye.Res_12_439
Author(s) : Tandon P , Pope C , Padilla S , Tilson HA , Harry GJ
Ref : Current Eye Research , 12 :439 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tandon_1993_Curr.Eye.Res_12_439
PubMedID: 8344068

Title : The role of neurotoxic esterase (NTE) in the prevention and potentiation of organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) - Pope_1993_Chem.Biol.Interact_87_395
Author(s) : Pope CN , Tanaka D, Jr. , Padilla S
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 87 :395 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pope_1993_Chem.Biol.Interact_87_395
PubMedID: 8343996

Title : A modified spectrophotometric method appropriate for measuring cholinesterase activity in tissue from carbaryl-treated animals - Nostrandt_1993_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_21_196
Author(s) : Nostrandt AC , Duncan JA , Padilla S
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 21 :196 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nostrandt_1993_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_21_196
PubMedID: 8405782

Title : Direct measurement of fast axonal organelle transport in the sciatic nerve of rats treated with acrylamide - Padilla_1993_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_39_429
Author(s) : Padilla S , Atkinson MB , Breuer AC
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 39 :429 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1993_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_39_429
PubMedID: 8345531

Title : Locally synthesized phosphatidylcholine, but not protein, undergoes rapid retrograde axonal transport in the rat sciatic nerve - Padilla_1993_J.Neurochem_60_1900
Author(s) : Padilla S , Freeman EB , Tandon P , Wilson VZ
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 60 :1900 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1993_J.Neurochem_60_1900
PubMedID: 8473904

Title : Relationship of neuropathy target esterase inhibition to neuropathology and ataxia in hens given organophosphorus esters - Ehrich_1993_Chem.Biol.Interact_87_431
Author(s) : Ehrich M , Jortner BS , Padilla S
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 87 :431 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ehrich_1993_Chem.Biol.Interact_87_431
PubMedID: 8343999

Title : Subacute ethanol consumption reverses p-xylene-induced decreases in axonal transport - Padilla_1992_Toxicology_75_159
Author(s) : Padilla S , Lyerly DL , Pope CN
Ref : Toxicology , 75 :159 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1992_Toxicology_75_159
PubMedID: 1281343

Title : Paraoxon toxicity is not potentiated by prior reduction in blood acetylcholinesterase - Padilla_1992_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_117_110
Author(s) : Padilla S , Moser VC , Pope CN , Brimijoin S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 117 :110 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1992_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_117_110
PubMedID: 1440604

Title : Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride alters sensitivity to organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity in developing animals - Pope_1992_Neurotoxicol_13_355
Author(s) : Pope CN , Chapman ML , Tanaka D, Jr. , Padilla S
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 13 :355 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pope_1992_Neurotoxicol_13_355
PubMedID: 1436755

Title : Promotion of organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride -
Author(s) : Pope CN , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 110 :179 , 1991
PubMedID: 1871770

Title : Retrograde axonal transport of locally synthesized phosphoinositides in the rat sciatic nerve - Padilla_1991_J.Neurochem_57_415
Author(s) : Padilla S , Pope CN
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 57 :415 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1991_J.Neurochem_57_415
PubMedID: 1712828

Title : Murine susceptibility to organophosphorus-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN) - Veronesi_1991_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_107_311
Author(s) : Veronesi B , Padilla S , Blackmon K , Pope C
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 107 :311 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Veronesi_1991_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_107_311
PubMedID: 1994513

Title : Potentiation of organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - Pope_1990_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_31_261
Author(s) : Pope CN , Padilla S
Ref : J Toxicol Environ Health , 31 :261 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pope_1990_J.Toxicol.Environ.Health_31_261
PubMedID: 2254952

Title : Modulation of neurotoxic esterase activity in vitro by phospholipids - Pope_1989_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_97_272
Author(s) : Pope CN , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 97 :272 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pope_1989_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_97_272
PubMedID: 2922759

Title : Biochemical and morphological validation of a rodent model of organophosphorus-induced delayed neuropathy - Padilla_1988_Toxicol.Ind.Health_4_361
Author(s) : Padilla S , Veronesi B
Ref : Toxicol Ind Health , 4 :361 , 1988
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1988_Toxicol.Ind.Health_4_361
PubMedID: 3176042

Title : The correlation between neurotoxic esterase inhibition and mipafox-induced neuropathic damage in rats - Veronesi_1986_Neurotoxicol_7_207
Author(s) : Veronesi B , Padilla S , Lyerly D
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 7 :207 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Veronesi_1986_Neurotoxicol_7_207
PubMedID: 3714122

Title : Biochemical and neuropathological assessment of triphenyl phosphite in rats - Veronesi_1986_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_83_203
Author(s) : Veronesi B , Padilla S , Newland D
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 83 :203 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Veronesi_1986_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_83_203
PubMedID: 3961810

Title : An in vitro comparison of rat and chicken brain neurotoxic esterase - Novak_1986_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_6_464
Author(s) : Novak R , Padilla S
Ref : Fundamental & Applied Toxicology , 6 :464 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Novak_1986_Fundam.Appl.Toxicol_6_464
PubMedID: 3699331

Title : Effects of hypothermia on the in vivo measurement of rapid axonal transport in the rat: a cautionary note - Padilla_1986_J.Neurochem_46_1227
Author(s) : Padilla S , Lyerly D
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 46 :1227 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1986_J.Neurochem_46_1227
PubMedID: 2419507

Title : Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride protects rats from Mipafox-induced delayed neuropathy - Veronesi_1985_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_81_258
Author(s) : Veronesi B , Padilla S
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 81 :258 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Veronesi_1985_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_81_258
PubMedID: 4060153

Title : The relationship between neurological damage and neurotoxic esterase inhibition in rats acutely exposed to tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate - Padilla_1985_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_78_78
Author(s) : Padilla S , Veronesi B
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 78 :78 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Padilla_1985_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_78_78
PubMedID: 2994253

Title : Body temperature-dependent and independent actions of chlordimeform on visual evoked potentials and axonal transport in optic system of rat - Boyes_1985_Neuropharmacol_24_743
Author(s) : Boyes WK , Padilla S , Dyer RS
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 24 :743 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Boyes_1985_Neuropharmacol_24_743
PubMedID: 2427966