

Title : Paraoxonase 1 and homocysteine metabolism - Perla-Kajan_2012_Amino.Acids_43_1405
Author(s) : Perla-Kajan J , Jakubowski H
Ref : Amino Acids , 43 :1405 , 2012
Abstract :

Paraoxonase 1 (PON1), a component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), is a calcium-dependent multifunctional enzyme that connects metabolisms of lipoproteins and homocysteine (Hcy). Both PON1 and Hcy have been implicated in human diseases, including atherosclerosis and neurodegeneration. The involvement of Hcy in disease could be mediated through its interactions with PON1. Due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, PON1 contributes to atheroprotective functions of HDL in mice and humans. Although PON1 has the ability to hydrolyze a variety of substrates, only one of them-Hcy-thiolactone-is known to occur naturally. In humans and mice, Hcy-thiolactonase activity of PON1 protects against N-homocysteinylation, which is detrimental to protein structure and function. PON1 also protects against neurotoxicity associated with hyperhomocysteinemia in mouse models. The links between PON1 and Hcy in relation to pathological states such as coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetic mellitus, kidney failure and Alzheimer's disease that emerge from recent studies are the topics of this review.

PubMedSearch : Perla-Kajan_2012_Amino.Acids_43_1405
PubMedID: 22643843

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Perla-Kajan J, Jakubowski H (2012)
Paraoxonase 1 and homocysteine metabolism
Amino Acids 43 :1405

Perla-Kajan J, Jakubowski H (2012)
Amino Acids 43 :1405