Title : A genetic linkage map for the zebrafish - Postlethwait_1994_Science_264_699 |
Author(s) : Postlethwait JH , Johnson SL , Midson CN , Talbot WS , Gates M , Ballinger EW , Africa D , Andrews R , Carl T , Eisen JS , Horne S , Kimmel CB , Hutchinson M , Johnson M , Rodriguez A |
Ref : Science , 264 :699 , 1994 |
Abstract :
To facilitate molecular genetic analysis of vertebrate development, haploid genetics was used to construct a recombination map for the zebrafish Danio (Brachydanio) rerio. The map consists of 401 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and 13 simple sequence repeats spaced at an average interval of 5.8 centimorgans. Strategies that exploit the advantages of haploid genetics and RAPD markers were developed that quickly mapped lethal and visible mutations and that placed cloned genes on the map. This map is useful for the position-based cloning of mutant genes, the characterization of chromosome rearrangements, and the investigation of evolution in vertebrate genomes. |
PubMedSearch : Postlethwait_1994_Science_264_699 |
PubMedID: 8171321 |
Postlethwait JH, Johnson SL, Midson CN, Talbot WS, Gates M, Ballinger EW, Africa D, Andrews R, Carl T, Eisen JS, Horne S, Kimmel CB, Hutchinson M, Johnson M, Rodriguez A (1994)
A genetic linkage map for the zebrafish
264 :699
Postlethwait JH, Johnson SL, Midson CN, Talbot WS, Gates M, Ballinger EW, Africa D, Andrews R, Carl T, Eisen JS, Horne S, Kimmel CB, Hutchinson M, Johnson M, Rodriguez A (1994)
264 :699