Postlethwait JH

References (13)

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Gene_locus related to this paper: danre-1neur , danre-ABHD10b , danre-a9jrf7 , danre-d2x2g3 , danre-e7ezq9 , danre-e7ff77 , danre-ndr3 , danre-nlgn4a , danre-q1mti5 , danre-q6nyz4 , danre-q6p2u2 , danre-q7t359 , danre-q08c93 , danre-A2BGU9 , danre-f1q676 , danre-e7f0z8 , danre-e7ez27 , danre-e7f2w1 , danre-f1qid7 , danre-a0a0g2kru2 , danre-f1qla7 , danre-a9jr90 , danre-e7f070 , danre-f172a , danre-e7fb35 , danre-a7mbu9 , danre-f1qtr2

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Title : Plasticity of animal genome architecture unmasked by rapid evolution of a pelagic tunicate - Denoeud_2010_Science_330_1381
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Gene_locus related to this paper: oikdi-ACHE , oikdi-cholike.1 , oikdi-cholike.2 , oikdi-e4wug8 , oikdi-e4ww04 , oikdi-e4wxm9 , oikdi-e4x0y9 , oikdi-e4x1t6 , oikdi-e4x2c7.1 , oikdi-e4x2c7.2 , oikdi-e4x4v7 , oikdi-e4x5i7 , oikdi-e4x5s6 , oikdi-e4x6c7 , oikdi-e4x6i0 , oikdi-e4x7y6 , oikdi-e4xa91 , oikdi-e4xe86 , oikdi-e4xeg3 , oikdi-e4xgg8 , oikdi-e4xiw0 , oikdi-e4xk51 , oikdi-e4xl53 , oikdi-e4xm24 , oikdi-e4xm43 , oikdi-e4xn79 , oikdi-e4xp62 , oikdi-e4xpy1 , oikdi-e4xqm4 , oikdi-e4xtm1 , oikdi-e4xug7 , oikdi-e4xv59 , oikdi-e4xw55 , oikdi-e4xwt6 , oikdi-e4xxh8 , oikdi-e4y5n1 , oikdi-e4y7j8 , oikdi-e4y8s7 , oikdi-e4ya76 , oikdi-e4ydw0 , oikdi-e4yi65 , oikdi-e4yp15 , oikdi-e4yp69 , oikdi-e4yst1 , oikdi-e4yvr0 , oikdi-e4yvu0 , oikdi-e4x630 , oikdi-e4ykb2 , oikdi-e4wt97 , oikdi-e4ws23

Title : Expression of sox11 gene duplicates in zebrafish suggests the reciprocal loss of ancestral gene expression patterns in development - de Martino_2000_Dev.Dyn_217_279
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Title : Neuropeptide Y receptor subtype with unique properties cloned in the zebrafish: the zYa receptor - Starback_1999_Brain.Res.Mol.Brain.Res_70_242
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Title : Cloning of two loci for synapse protein Snap25 in zebrafish: comparison of paralogous linkage groups suggests loss of one locus in the mammalian lineage - Risinger_1998_J.Neurosci.Res_54_563
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Title : Vertebrate genome evolution and the zebrafish gene map - Postlethwait_1998_Nat.Genet_18_345
Author(s) : Postlethwait JH , Yan YL , Gates MA , Horne S , Amores A , Brownlie A , Donovan A , Egan ES , Force A , Gong Z , Goutel C , Fritz A , Kelsh R , Knapik E , Liao E , Paw B , Ransom D , Singer A , Thomson M , Abduljabbar TS , Yelick P , Beier D , Joly JS , Larhammar D , Rosa F , Westerfield M , Zon LI , Johnson SL , Talbot WS
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Title : Zebrafish hox clusters and vertebrate genome evolution - Amores_1998_Science_282_1711
Author(s) : Amores A , Force A , Yan YL , Joly L , Amemiya C , Fritz A , Ho RK , Langeland J , Prince V , Wang YL , Westerfield M , Ekker M , Postlethwait JH
Ref : Science , 282 :1711 , 1998
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Title : Centromere-linkage analysis and consolidation of the zebrafish genetic map - Johnson_1996_Genetics_142_1277
Author(s) : Johnson SL , Gates MA , Johnson M , Talbot WS , Horne S , Baik K , Rude S , Wong JR , Postlethwait JH
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Title : A homeobox gene essential for zebrafish notochord development - Talbot_1995_Nature_378_150
Author(s) : Talbot WS , Trevarrow B , Halpern ME , Melby AE , Farr G , Postlethwait JH , Jowett T , Kimmel CB , Kimelman D
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Title : A genetic linkage map for the zebrafish - Postlethwait_1994_Science_264_699
Author(s) : Postlethwait JH , Johnson SL , Midson CN , Talbot WS , Gates M , Ballinger EW , Africa D , Andrews R , Carl T , Eisen JS , Horne S , Kimmel CB , Hutchinson M , Johnson M , Rodriguez A
Ref : Science , 264 :699 , 1994
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Title : Sequence homologies among the three yolk polypeptide (Yp) genes in Drosophila melanogaster - Yan_1987_Nucleic.Acids.Res_15_67
Author(s) : Yan YL , Kunert CJ , Postlethwait JH
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 15 (1) :67 , 1987
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Gene_locus related to this paper: drome-3vite