

Title : A new esterase gene amplification involved in OP resistance in Culex pipiens mosquitoes from China - Qiao_1998_Biochem.Genet_36_417
Author(s) : Qiao CL , Marquine M , Pasteur N , Raymond M
Ref : Biochemical Genetics , 36 :417 , 1998
Abstract :

Two overproduced esterases (A8 and B8) not previously described were found in southern China. They provide a low resistance level to organophosphate (OP) insecticides, and correspond to a coamplification of both esterase loci (Est-2 and Est-3) classically involved in OP resistance for this mosquito species. This coamplification is distinct from all other similar events thus far reported. The peculiar situation in southern China, where numerous OP resistance alleles at these two loci were found, is discussed in comparison with the Mediterranean situation, the only one with a similar diversity of overproduced esterases.

PubMedSearch : Qiao_1998_Biochem.Genet_36_417
PubMedID: 10230522

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Qiao CL, Marquine M, Pasteur N, Raymond M (1998)
A new esterase gene amplification involved in OP resistance in Culex pipiens mosquitoes from China
Biochemical Genetics 36 :417

Qiao CL, Marquine M, Pasteur N, Raymond M (1998)
Biochemical Genetics 36 :417