

Title : Molecular forms of cholinesterases in cerebrospinal fluid, blood plasma, and brain tissue of the beagle dog - Scarsella_1979_J.Neurosci.Res_4_19
Author(s) : Scarsella G , Toschi G , Bareggi SR , Giacobini E
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Research , 4 :19 , 1979
Abstract :

In the present study we have investigated the activity of AChE and BCHE in the cisternal CSF of the Beagle dog and have outlined the characteristics of the molecular forms of both enzymes. The same enzymes were also investigated in samples from blood plasma and brain tissue. It is concluded that AChE in CSF originates from the spinal cord and brain tissues as a result of some secretory process. A combined origin from both blood plasma and brain tissue appears to be probable for the BCHE of the CSF.

PubMedSearch : Scarsella_1979_J.Neurosci.Res_4_19
PubMedID: 423312

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Scarsella G, Toschi G, Bareggi SR, Giacobini E (1979)
Molecular forms of cholinesterases in cerebrospinal fluid, blood plasma, and brain tissue of the beagle dog
Journal of Neuroscience Research 4 :19

Scarsella G, Toschi G, Bareggi SR, Giacobini E (1979)
Journal of Neuroscience Research 4 :19