

Title : Genomic diversity and evolution of the head crest in the rock pigeon - Shapiro_2013_Science_339_1063
Author(s) : Shapiro MD , Kronenberg Z , Li C , Domyan ET , Pan H , Campbell M , Tan H , Huff CD , Hu H , Vickrey AI , Nielsen SC , Stringham SA , Willerslev E , Gilbert MT , Yandell M , Zhang G , Wang J
Ref : Science , 339 :1063 , 2013
Abstract :

The geographic origins of breeds and the genetic basis of variation within the widely distributed and phenotypically diverse domestic rock pigeon (Columba livia) remain largely unknown. We generated a rock pigeon reference genome and additional genome sequences representing domestic and feral populations. We found evidence for the origins of major breed groups in the Middle East and contributions from a racing breed to North American feral populations. We identified the gene EphB2 as a strong candidate for the derived head crest phenotype shared by numerous breeds, an important trait in mate selection in many avian species. We also found evidence that this trait evolved just once and spread throughout the species, and that the crest originates early in development by the localized molecular reversal of feather bud polarity.

PubMedSearch : Shapiro_2013_Science_339_1063
PubMedID: 23371554
Gene_locus related to this paper: colli-r7vnu6 , colli-r7vv16 , colli-a0a2i0m6q6 , colli-a0a2i0mey7 , colli-a0a2i0mey8 , colli-a0a2i0mez3 , colli-a0a2i0ms89 , colli-a0a160dr48 , colli-a0a2i0m6c1 , colli-a0a2i0lic2 , colli-a0a2i0mlj2 , colli-r7vwj5 , nipni-a0a091w0t8 , fical-u3jnn0 , colli-a0a2i0mwb1 , colli-a0a2i0mwb4 , colli-a0a2i0mwd0

Citations formats

Shapiro MD, Kronenberg Z, Li C, Domyan ET, Pan H, Campbell M, Tan H, Huff CD, Hu H, Vickrey AI, Nielsen SC, Stringham SA, Willerslev E, Gilbert MT, Yandell M, Zhang G, Wang J (2013)
Genomic diversity and evolution of the head crest in the rock pigeon
Science 339 :1063

Shapiro MD, Kronenberg Z, Li C, Domyan ET, Pan H, Campbell M, Tan H, Huff CD, Hu H, Vickrey AI, Nielsen SC, Stringham SA, Willerslev E, Gilbert MT, Yandell M, Zhang G, Wang J (2013)
Science 339 :1063