

Title : Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Inhibits ATP-Mediated Release of Interleukin-1beta via CD36 and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors - Siebers_2018_Front.Immunol_9_877
Author(s) : Siebers K , Fink B , Zakrzewicz A , Agne A , Richter K , Konzok S , Hecker A , Zukunft S , Kullmar M , Klein J , McIntosh JM , Timm T , Sewald K , Padberg W , Aggarwal N , Chamulitrat W , Santoso S , Xia W , Janciauskiene S , Grau V
Ref : Front Immunol , 9 :877 , 2018
Abstract :

While interleukin (IL)-1beta is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in host defense, high levels can cause life-threatening sterile inflammation including systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Hence, the control of IL-1beta secretion is of outstanding biomedical importance. In response to a first inflammatory stimulus such as lipopolysaccharide, pro-IL-1beta is synthesized as a cytoplasmic inactive pro-form. Extracellular ATP originating from injured cells is a prototypical second signal for inflammasome-dependent maturation and release of IL-1beta. The human anti-protease alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) and IL-1beta regulate each other via mechanisms that are only partially understood. Here, we demonstrate that physiological concentrations of AAT efficiently inhibit ATP-induced release of IL-1beta from primary human blood mononuclear cells, monocytic U937 cells, and rat lung tissue, whereas ATP-independent IL-1beta release is not impaired. Both, native and oxidized AAT are active, suggesting that the inhibition of IL-1beta release is independent of the anti-elastase activity of AAT. Signaling of AAT in monocytic cells involves the lipid scavenger receptor CD36, calcium-independent phospholipase A2beta, and the release of a small soluble mediator. This mediator leads to the activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which efficiently inhibit ATP-induced P2X7 receptor activation and inflammasome assembly. We suggest that AAT controls ATP-induced IL-1beta release from human mononuclear blood cells by a novel triple-membrane-passing signaling pathway. This pathway may have clinical implications for the prevention of sterile pulmonary and systemic inflammation.

PubMedSearch : Siebers_2018_Front.Immunol_9_877
PubMedID: 29922281

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Siebers K, Fink B, Zakrzewicz A, Agne A, Richter K, Konzok S, Hecker A, Zukunft S, Kullmar M, Klein J, McIntosh JM, Timm T, Sewald K, Padberg W, Aggarwal N, Chamulitrat W, Santoso S, Xia W, Janciauskiene S, Grau V (2018)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Inhibits ATP-Mediated Release of Interleukin-1beta via CD36 and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
Front Immunol 9 :877

Siebers K, Fink B, Zakrzewicz A, Agne A, Richter K, Konzok S, Hecker A, Zukunft S, Kullmar M, Klein J, McIntosh JM, Timm T, Sewald K, Padberg W, Aggarwal N, Chamulitrat W, Santoso S, Xia W, Janciauskiene S, Grau V (2018)
Front Immunol 9 :877