

Title : Maspardin is mutated in mast syndrome, a complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia associated with dementia - Simpson_2003_Am.J.Hum.Genet_73_1147
Author(s) : Simpson MA , Cross H , Proukakis C , Pryde A , Hershberger R , Chatonnet A , Patton MA , Crosby AH
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 73 :1147 , 2003
Abstract :

Mast syndrome is an autosomal recessive, complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia with dementia that is present at high frequency among the Old Order Amish. Subtle childhood abnormalities may be present, but the main features develop in early adulthood. The disease is slowly progressive, and cerebellar and extrapyramidal signs are also found in patients with advanced disease. Patients have a thin corpus callosum and white-matter abnormalities, as seen on magnetic resonance imaging. Using an extensive Amish pedigree, we have mapped the Mast syndrome locus (SPG21) to a small interval of chromosome 15q22.31 that encompasses just three genes. Sequence analysis of the three transcripts revealed that all 14 affected cases were homozygous for a single base-pair insertion (601insA) in the acid-cluster protein of 33 kDa (ACP33) gene. This frameshift results in the premature termination (fs201-212X213) of the encoded product, which is designated "maspardin" (Mast syndrome, spastic paraplegia, autosomal recessive with dementia), and has been shown elsewhere to localize to intracellular endosomal/trans-Golgi transportation vesicles and may function in protein transport and sorting.

PubMedSearch : Simpson_2003_Am.J.Hum.Genet_73_1147
PubMedID: 14564668
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-SPG21

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Simpson MA, Cross H, Proukakis C, Pryde A, Hershberger R, Chatonnet A, Patton MA, Crosby AH (2003)
Maspardin is mutated in mast syndrome, a complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia associated with dementia
American Journal of Human Genetics 73 :1147

Simpson MA, Cross H, Proukakis C, Pryde A, Hershberger R, Chatonnet A, Patton MA, Crosby AH (2003)
American Journal of Human Genetics 73 :1147