

Title : Complete Genome Sequence of Sphingobacterium sp. Strain ML3W, Isolated from Wings of Myotis lucifugus Infected with White Nose Syndrome - Smith_2015_Genome.Announc_3_e01477
Author(s) : Smith SA , Krasucki SP , McDowell JV , Balke VL
Ref : Genome Announc , 3 : , 2015
Abstract :

Sphingobacterium sp. strain ML3W was isolated from the wing of a bat infected with white nose syndrome. We report the complete 5.33-Mb genome sequence of Sphingobacterium sp. strain ML3W, obtained using Pacific Biosciences technology. Being the second complete Sphingobacterium sequence, this will increase knowledge of the genus.

PubMedSearch : Smith_2015_Genome.Announc_3_e01477
PubMedID: 25614576
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9sphi-a0a088ex14 , 9sphi-a0a088ewe4

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Citations formats

Smith SA, Krasucki SP, McDowell JV, Balke VL (2015)
Complete Genome Sequence of Sphingobacterium sp. Strain ML3W, Isolated from Wings of Myotis lucifugus Infected with White Nose Syndrome
Genome Announc 3 :

Smith SA, Krasucki SP, McDowell JV, Balke VL (2015)
Genome Announc 3 :