

Title : The G protein coupled receptor Gpr153 shares common evolutionary origin with Gpr162 and is highly expressed in central regions including the thalamus, cerebellum and the arcuate nucleus - Sreedharan_2011_FEBS.J_278_4881
Author(s) : Sreedharan S , Almen MS , Carlini VP , Haitina T , Stephansson O , Sommer WH , Heilig M , de Barioglio SR , Fredriksson R , Schioth HB
Ref : Febs J , 278 :4881 , 2011
Abstract :

The Rhodopsin family of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) includes the phylogenetic alpha-group consisting of about 100 human members. The alpha-group is the only group of GPCRs that has many receptors for biogenic amines which are major drug targets. Several members of this group are orphan receptors and their functions are elusive. In this study we present a detailed phylogenetic and anatomical characterization of the Gpr153 receptor and also attempt to study its functional role. We identified the homologue of Gpr153 in the elephant shark genome and phylogenetic and synteny analyses revealed that Gpr162 and Gpr153 share a common ancestor that split most likely through a duplication event before the divergence of the tetrapods and the teleost lineage. A quantitative real-time PCR study reveals widespread expression of Gpr153 in the central nervous system and all the peripheral tissues investigated. Detailed in situ hybridization on mouse brain showed specifically high expression in the thalamus, cerebellum and the arcuate nucleus. The antisense oligodeoxynucleotide knockdown of Gpr153 caused a slight reduction in food intake and the elevated plus maze test showed significant reduction in the percentage of time spent in the centre square, which points towards a probable role in decision making. This report provides the first detailed characterization of the evolution, expression and primary functional properties of the Gpr153 gene.

PubMedSearch : Sreedharan_2011_FEBS.J_278_4881
PubMedID: 21981325

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Sreedharan S, Almen MS, Carlini VP, Haitina T, Stephansson O, Sommer WH, Heilig M, de Barioglio SR, Fredriksson R, Schioth HB (2011)
The G protein coupled receptor Gpr153 shares common evolutionary origin with Gpr162 and is highly expressed in central regions including the thalamus, cerebellum and the arcuate nucleus
Febs J 278 :4881

Sreedharan S, Almen MS, Carlini VP, Haitina T, Stephansson O, Sommer WH, Heilig M, de Barioglio SR, Fredriksson R, Schioth HB (2011)
Febs J 278 :4881