Title : mRNA GPR162 changes are associated with decreased food intake in rat, and its human genetic variants with impairments in glucose homeostasis in two Swedish cohorts - Caruso_2016_Gene_581_139 |
Author(s) : Caruso V , Sreedharan S , Carlini VP , Jacobsson JA , Haitina T , Hammer J , Stephansson O , Crona F , Sommer WH , Riserus U , Lannfelt L , Marcus C , Heilig M , de Barioglio SR , Fredriksson R , Schioth HB |
Ref : Gene , 581 :139 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Caruso_2016_Gene_581_139 |
PubMedID: 26827797 |
Title : The Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor Gene GPR178 Is Evolutionary Conserved and Altered in Response to Acute Changes in Food Intake - Caruso_2015_PLoS.One_10_e0122061 |
Author(s) : Caruso V , Le Greves M , Shirazi Fard S , Haitina T , Olszewski PK , Alsio J , Schioth HB , Fredriksson R |
Ref : PLoS ONE , 10 :e0122061 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
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PubMedID: 26047506 |
Title : Characterization of the neuropeptide Y system in the frog Silurana tropicalis (Pipidae): three peptides and six receptor subtypes - Sundstrom_2012_Gen.Comp.Endocrinol_177_322 |
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Ref : General & Comparative Endocrinology , 177 :322 , 2012 |
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Title : The G protein coupled receptor Gpr153 shares common evolutionary origin with Gpr162 and is highly expressed in central regions including the thalamus, cerebellum and the arcuate nucleus - Sreedharan_2011_FEBS.J_278_4881 |
Author(s) : Sreedharan S , Almen MS , Carlini VP , Haitina T , Stephansson O , Sommer WH , Heilig M , de Barioglio SR , Fredriksson R , Schioth HB |
Ref : Febs J , 278 :4881 , 2011 |
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Title : The G protein-coupled receptor subset of the dog genome is more similar to that in humans than rodents - Haitina_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_24 |
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Ref : BMC Genomics , 10 :24 , 2009 |
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Title : Expression profile of the entire family of Adhesion G protein-coupled receptors in mouse and rat - Haitina_2008_BMC.Neurosci_9_43 |
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Ref : BMC Neurosci , 9 :43 , 2008 |
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Title : Functional characterization of two melanocortin (MC) receptors in lamprey showing orthology to the MC1 and MC4 receptor subtypes - Haitina_2007_BMC.Evol.Biol_7_101 |
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Ref : BMC Evol Biol , 7 :101 , 2007 |
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PubMedID: 17603878 |
Title : Fourteen novel human members of mitochondrial solute carrier family 25 (SLC25) widely expressed in the central nervous system - Haitina_2006_Genomics_88_779 |
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Ref : Genomics , 88 :779 , 2006 |
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PubMedID: 16949250 |
Title : Cloning, tissue distribution, pharmacology and three-dimensional modelling of melanocortin receptors 4 and 5 in rainbow trout suggest close evolutionary relationship of these subtypes - Haitina_2004_Biochem.J_380_475 |
Author(s) : Haitina T , Klovins J , Andersson J , Fredriksson R , Lagerstrom MC , Larhammar D , Larson ET , Schioth HB |
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 380 :475 , 2004 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Haitina_2004_Biochem.J_380_475 |
PubMedID: 14965341 |
Title : High affinity agonistic metal ion binding sites within the melanocortin 4 receptor illustrate conformational change of transmembrane region 3 - Lagerstrom_2003_J.Biol.Chem_278_51521 |
Author(s) : Lagerstrom MC , Klovins J , Fredriksson R , Fridmanis D , Haitina T , Ling MK , Berglund MM , Schioth HB |
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 278 :51521 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lagerstrom_2003_J.Biol.Chem_278_51521 |
PubMedID: 14523020 |
Title : A neuropeptide Y receptor Y1-subfamily gene from an agnathan, the European river lamprey. A potential ancestral gene - Salaneck_2001_Eur.J.Biochem_268_6146 |
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Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 268 :6146 , 2001 |
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Title : Neuropeptide Y receptor subtype with unique properties cloned in the zebrafish: the zYa receptor - Starback_1999_Brain.Res.Mol.Brain.Res_70_242 |
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Ref : Brain Research Mol Brain Res , 70 :242 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
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