

Title : Chemical Landscape for Tissue Clearing Based on Hydrophilic Reagents - Tainaka_2018_Cell.Rep_24_2196
Author(s) : Tainaka K , Murakami TC , Susaki EA , Shimizu C , Saito R , Takahashi K , Hayashi-Takagi A , Sekiya H , Arima Y , Nojima S , Ikemura M , Ushiku T , Shimizu Y , Murakami M , Tanaka KF , Iino M , Kasai H , Sasaoka T , Kobayashi K , Miyazono K , Morii E , Isa T , Fukayama M , Kakita A , Ueda HR
Ref : Cell Rep , 24 :2196 , 2018
Abstract :

We describe a strategy for developing hydrophilic chemical cocktails for tissue delipidation, decoloring, refractive index (RI) matching, and decalcification, based on comprehensive chemical profiling. More than 1,600 chemicals were screened by a high-throughput evaluation system for each chemical process. The chemical profiling revealed important chemical factors: salt-free amine with high octanol/water partition-coefficient (logP) for delipidation, N-alkylimidazole for decoloring, aromatic amide for RI matching, and protonation of phosphate ion for decalcification. The strategic integration of optimal chemical cocktails provided a series of CUBIC (clear, unobstructed brain/body imaging cocktails and computational analysis) protocols, which efficiently clear mouse organs, mouse body including bone, and even large primate and human tissues. The updated CUBIC protocols are scalable and reproducible, and they enable three-dimensional imaging of the mammalian body and large primate and human tissues. This strategy represents a future paradigm for the rational design of hydrophilic clearing cocktails that can be used for large tissues.

PubMedSearch : Tainaka_2018_Cell.Rep_24_2196
PubMedID: 30134179

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Tainaka K, Murakami TC, Susaki EA, Shimizu C, Saito R, Takahashi K, Hayashi-Takagi A, Sekiya H, Arima Y, Nojima S, Ikemura M, Ushiku T, Shimizu Y, Murakami M, Tanaka KF, Iino M, Kasai H, Sasaoka T, Kobayashi K, Miyazono K, Morii E, Isa T, Fukayama M, Kakita A, Ueda HR (2018)
Chemical Landscape for Tissue Clearing Based on Hydrophilic Reagents
Cell Rep 24 :2196

Tainaka K, Murakami TC, Susaki EA, Shimizu C, Saito R, Takahashi K, Hayashi-Takagi A, Sekiya H, Arima Y, Nojima S, Ikemura M, Ushiku T, Shimizu Y, Murakami M, Tanaka KF, Iino M, Kasai H, Sasaoka T, Kobayashi K, Miyazono K, Morii E, Isa T, Fukayama M, Kakita A, Ueda HR (2018)
Cell Rep 24 :2196